Translation…urgent. video of neymar with the woman who accused him of rape
Translation…urgent. video of neymar with the woman who accused him of rape
Imagine huyu mwoman is seen hitting Neymar…but went ahead to claim rape…ni kama neymar alimkataa
Mpaka law firm representing her walijitoa claiming she was lying allover…
“According to the law firm, which is based in Rio de Janeiro, their client said she had given consent to having sex, but then their sexual encounter had turned violent. The firm stated that the woman “described what had happened as ‘rape’, which is a completely different allegation”.”
But my question is why dò these women destroy someone’s reputation by lying halafu hupati any followup or being sued or jailed??
Edit your title, there was no rape, period!
No rape, no collusion
He is fully responsible for this mess…At his level he should have a lawyer on retainer to make sure such nonsense doesn’t not happen.
Neymar was defamed. I’d sue her to pay for her foolishness and turn her poorer than she is.
Aongee na Cliff Ombeta na mambo kama Hata hayatawahi tokea.
Ili iwe funzo kwake na wengine we Tabia duni kama zake!
Yes the law should apply both ends
same here. counter sue and make sure it never happens again. anyone thinking up the same thing would think twice.
and this has been taken down
Some of these women are plain psychos. In the west many managers are afraid of mentoring women on one on one basis because some of these women are most likely going to claim sexual harrassment. And because of metoo these male managers will be fired without any due process.
I remember someone saying, hapa Ktalk, that women often have a movie in their heads which they direct but they do not get to edit…
IMO, hii story ya Neymar is a classic example of what happens when a woman’s head-movie fails to go as she directed/scripted… I think she was of the opinion that once she gives Neymar the goods, he will commit to her and ‘love’ her…
Bt things did not go according to the movie she had scripted… Therefore, the rape allegations… I’m so glad Neymar recorded everything… Wacheni ku-delete chats za hawa wanawake, they might save you someday
True. Add you know such false signals make genuine rape victims look fraud and their cases downplayed.