Kwani atafunga bao na mboo
Lakini ballon d’or haoni until Ronaldo na Messi wa retire.
With that salary he can easily run some ministries in our government, remember it’s per week. Compare his salary for 3 months and that of Our Kra collections for 3 months.These clubs literally are very rich
Hapo anakuwa shortsighted, ama sijui ni tamaa ako nayo. A professional agent does more than just organize your calendar. He knows his commission is pegged on how much you earn so will always be busy chasing deals on your behalf, eg endorsements, so his commission can also rise. His father, or any relative for that matter, just can’t be on the same level as a professional agent. Unless he’s his agent only in name, but has a group of people reporting to him who actually do the heavy lifting.
Elsewhere our own Olunga who went to China from Norway is now shopping for a new club.The chinese league recently introduced quota system on foreign players.
@Riva amesema ni 3.12 billion shillings per year. To an individual that’s obviously a lot of money, but to a government, even a third world one, that’s shit. KRA has already collected shs 990 billion in ten months,meaning they should expect around 1.2 trillion for the entire financial year, so 3 billion ni pesa kidogo saaaaaaaana kwa serikali.
Messi’s father is also his agent, I think when it comes to big personalities endorsements zinakutafuta.
Kabisa a player of his stature he doesn’t go out looking for endorsements,but endorsers look for him.
Nakumbuka kuna time a few seasons ago Messi went to Gabon on invitation from the president na akaokota £2.5M on top of being flown on a private jet and other perks na alifika akazungushwa around kiasi and left
Mkisii so unasema niingie full time dryfrying ?
Hehe … I remember one time nkiwa mlinda lango at dyc and that day we were playing against dagoretti santos nlionyeshwa kivumbi. I soaked in 12 goals, yaani all players in the opposing side walinifunga bao na super sub akaingia akaongeza yake. Sijawai tosheka kama hio siku.
Hehe Uzito ulikuwa unawacha nyumbani
Huyo hawezi ata kuangalia mtu kama wewe.
:D:D:D:D:D ballboy?
Kwanza bleach skin kabisa ukae mlami na ukonde kama hao madame walami, weka boob implants na utafute several millions of shillings ndio uweze kuatleast karibia yeye kwa exclusive clubs za huko Paris.
When you put it like that, then it shows PSG owners are fools.
:(:( na wewe?
Tuma nudes alafu I’ll decide