So Mr. @LuandaMagere yesterday I did not finish my story on white slave propaganda. You ran away. Please let me finish the story.
This is the story of the biggest riots in U.S history and how they connect to white slave propaganda.
In 1863, Abe Lincoln tried to recruit some poor, recently arrived Irish immigrants to fight in his fake civil war.
The only problem was that the Irish had zero interest in fighting a war to “save” black people they didn’t even know and anyway the said black people had not said that they needed saving.
Plus the Irish immigrants asked Lincoln, ‘kwani why don’t these bleks save themselves, halafu if they come North won’t they take over our jobs? There are already numerpus blacks in New York as it is!’
To make matters worse the Irish soon learnt that other rich wazungu born in the U.S were paying a massive $300 or $6300 in today’s money to avoid Lincoln’s draft. Inaitwa commutation fee.
Even worse still the Irish worked in textile mills which got their cotton from the south! This meant that if there was a war there would be no cotton and therefore no jobs and no money.
Furthermore the Democratic Party which represented the South had promised the Irish quick citizenship in the U.S.
To add insult to injury Abe Lincoln said that black men in the North would not be drafted to go fight… so you are telling these Irish immigrants to go fight for a group that is doing very well in New York but that group won’t even fight for themselves?
Irish wakauliza Lincoln na watu wake , “Wewe mzee mbona unatubeba ufala?”
@LuandaMagere @uwesmake @Simiyu22 I am sure that you guys have watched the movie called Gangs of New York, right?
That movie is this story I am telling you right now , but the movie was totally fake. It only tells a quarter of this story and leaves out Abe Lincoln.
Do you remember the violent race riots at the end of that film?
That riot is the riot I am talking about and it is the most violent riot in U.S history :
This film is COMPLETELY inaccurate in many aspects. Martin Scorsese refused to tell the true story of that riot.
So anyway back to my story. In that film you can see immigrants arriving to America.
Abe Lincoln finally told the Irish, “Skizeni hapa maumbwa I am the president. You will fight in this war or I will ship you all back to where you came from!”
The newly arrived Irish citizens straight of the boat agreed to the draft. They didn’t want any trouble against Gathecha.
The Irish immigrants who had come earlier wakaona hii ni upus. They started attacking the newly arrived Irish.
The leaders of the riot wakaulizana why are we fighting our brothers??? Let’s beat up the cause of all the problems : the niggers!
It was a blood bath. The Irish attacked all the black dock workers in New York.
The police came in but were overwhelmed. The rioters attacked the NEW YORK TIMES but were repulsed. Cc @Mangele
They set fire to buildings. The firemen came , but many of them sided with the Irish and refused to put out the fire as shown in the movie.
It soon became a full on race war with the Irish hunting any black person even orphaned blackchildren. This was left out of the movie on purpose.
Read here :
Finally Abe Lincoln sent in the army as portrayed in the film.
Remember the civil war had started in 1861 and this is 1863 so Abe Lincoln pulled out thousands of soldiers from the battle front to come fight the Irish and defend the black folk.
In short that film is a huge lie.
And serikali lied that only 100 blacks were killed. The real figure is close to over 3000 blacks.
Black people left New York docks permanently and moved to Brooklyn.
Abe Lincoln refused to take any responsibility, instead he blamed Trump … I mean , he blamed the South.
Can you relate to today’s Obama Biden shenanigans?
So @LuandaMagere as you can imagine Abe Lincoln was running out of time and patience and he needed fresh propaganda to entice the Irish. He was running low on soldiers and he needed immigrant support.
The Irish know how to fight and they are well built like Nigerians.
I am not making this shit up, Abe Lincoln started looking for the cutest white children in America to act as “white slaves” , so that he can use those photos as propaganda to entice the Irish immigrants to fight in his fake war :
You can read more here :
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Supporters of the war believed that white slave propaganda was needed after the draft riots in New York City that year. Predominantly ethnic Irish mobs had protested the draft law, as wealthier men could buy substitutes rather than serve in the war.
In conclusion @LuandaMagere the Irish were bombarded with so much fake propaganda about white slaves in the South that eventually they enrolled in the draft. Plus they were feeling guilty after killing all those black people.
150,000 Irish males enrolled and 46,000 Irishmen from New York died in the civil war.
You will never read this history on CNN.
The reason why black Americans call the Irish , white niggers is because of this history. Just like blacks the Irish are just pawns to the North.
The Irish Brigade were critical in winning the civil war due to their ferocious nature :