I can no longer say with confidence that I have trust and knowledge on humanity/human behavior. All those Psychology theories Freud and his ilk came up with on human behavior seem to be becoming obsolete or exhibiting major caustory gaps in human behavior as evidenced in today’s reality.
In today’s realism; it seems what is projected on the exterior and what is harbored intrinsically in a human being; are two ions apart. A new world order is emerging and it seems the more absurd you are, the more you attract admiration. I have to revalue my trusting nature and adopt a more insane view of the world and humanity in general especially matters political to make sense of the world currently.
Trumps personality was by far the most outrageous there has ever been for a US President with absolute lack of decorum; but he appealed to the masses despite opinion polls and won the US presidency.
Psychologists we posit; need to carry out a new study/research and explain the new behavioral phenomena and update their theories so that I/We can begin to understand what is happening. And it’s not only USA, check out this absurdity;
Britain – The Big brother of Europe, elected to Brexit!! Showed everyone the middle finger on a matter that clearly pointed to the reverse morally/economically/socially; Brexit was led by another large assh*le Boris Johnson. Philippines – Elected President Rodrigoe Dutete, a bad ass don’t care person not really interested in the rule of law and decorum. Promised to kill all criminals (as if they are labelled) without trial and as late as last month abused USA and its president in Parliament. “F**k You America and that son of a whore” were his exact words.
In Nicaragua incumbent Daniel Ortega and his wife Rossario Murillo have been elected President and Vice President respectfully by a 75.2% landslide margin. This is Daniels third term but first for the wife as VP.
In Kenya – We elected a president and his deputy who were both facing criminal charges In the ICC. Since when could such be considered to even contend let alone win? Spain – The economy of Spain is expanding much faster and unemployment reducing faster without a government. There has been no government since Dec and yet growth and expansion is much faster and more promising. When government was in place there was recession!! Go figure
Believe it or not, they were elected because they were both facing those TRUMPED-up charges.
If some brilliant fools called Annan, JaKuon and Ocampo had not decided to hedge their political ambitions by indicting suspected lieutenants in the 2008 clashes instead of the prime suspects, Uhuru and Ruto would never have been united, and their support bases would not have been combined.
Yeah… So what is this phenomena in people that the psychologists have not explained. The inherent need or should i say desire to rebel and go against the norm? its becoming quite rampant worldwide and sort of a fad that still needs a sane explanation.
Realism at work… People can see through the facade of pretentious activism, entitlement, faked sophistication… What is so bad about Trump? Which Briton in their right mind would let their country to be overrun with Islamists
Merkel is next
Real “Change” just occurred…against insurmountable odds!!!
Hillary, a criminal (who, lest we forget assassinated an African head of state, for NO fucking reason “We came, we saw, he died”) lost even as she was backed by media, establishment, banks, CFR, Bilderberg…I’m not a trump supporter, but it can’t be denied that maybe its a good thing that we have some unpredictability and a chance for something different to happen.
It is becoming so interesting. When we forget the importance of truth as our foundation and go ahead to build high rising skycrapers of lies that sudden collapses