New Nairobi Skyline

Hiyo kitambo ya KICC muweke kwa dustbin. Upper hill skyline alone beats skyline ya Kigali Kampala and Dar es Salaam hands down

There’s nothing particularly impressive in that photo

Unakuanga na sanitizer kwa cyber

Filter ndio umeweka mingi Kama roiko.

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Kwa ground mambo ni tofauti

Kwa ground mambo ni tofauti

[COLOR=rgb(40, 50, 78)]Atleast hio picha inakaa kua na harufu ya River Road

Ungechukua picha at an angle that hiyo building ya ‘polyhedron’ [SIZE=2]inakaa kuitwa tu hivyo juu hio shape siijui [/SIZE][SIZE=4] ingekuwa katikati. But that would need a change of capture location. Nway, kazi nzuri. To the naysayers, try kuonyesha kina @mgosi na @fox21 picha kama hii ndio ujue jealousy is real. Sisi hatuwezi ona issue kubwa cz we are so used to bashing our own. Try appreciating Kenya at times![/SIZE]

Comparing Nrb skyline to Kigali or Kampala is an insult to Kenyans, maybe Dar to some extent. Nrb is far much developed than surrounding cities. Kigali iko ligi ya Eldoret. But the over investment in upper hill has resulted in over supply of office spaces with very few tenants. Ni manyumba tu, hazina watu.

Dude are you joking?You call that shit amazing skyline mpk uombe angel nzuri ya kupiga picha.I have been in both Nairobi and Dar trust me every time,i see Dar in much better appearance to Nairobi.
Fox 21

Picture taken years ago,No new buildings of today’s appeared.

Some may think this is Los Angeles…Oooh nigga that is Dar of 3-5 years back.[ATTACH=full]304974[/ATTACH]

the amount of corruption , money laundering and thievery in that skyline is astronomical !

Bado Si I feel Kama ya kicc

Dar ni moto. To be sincere any evidence to show that NRB is more developed than Dar? If not a misconception.
List of urban areas in Africa by population - Wikipedia

Skyline kama io huonyesha economy imekufa, pesa imekua parked kwa kokoto, simiti na chuma

Afadhari umesema wewe,Ningesema mimi wangesema nadanganya.

Tuombe uzima by 2022 majority of these projects i see now will be completed.There are lots of projects going as we are talking.Trust me Dar will soon shock the world.
