From Runda association for context
Calling all property owners in Kenya … Read this and object before next Friday. This is outrageous. It is for the whole of Nairobi.
Dear Runda Resident,
Re: Nairobi County New Draft Valuation Roll
Attached, you will find a notice by the Nairobi City County Government (NCCG) inviting any person with a ratable property in Nairobi to lodge an objection on the new draft valuation roll.
The objection deadline is Friday, 18th June, 2021.
a. You have been paying your rates at 25% of the Unimproved Site Value (USV).
b. The valuation in (a) above was carried out in the 80s.
c. The NCCG has carried out a valuation exercise giving your property a new value which is of course far much higher than the figure you have been paying your rates against.
d. Once this exercise is complete, your rates will be based on the new valuation.
Why do you need to object?
Though NCCG insists that the rates will go up by a very small margin, there is no indication on the percentage to be charged on the new value.
Currently, most residents pay an average of Kes 30,000 annually, meaning, the USV had been valued at Kes 120,000.
The new valuation places the least valued property in Runda at Kes 28,000,000. If they were to charge 25% of this, you will part with a minimum of Kes 7,000,000 in rates annually.
Unfortunately, the NCCG has declined a collective objection by the Runda Association and the residents will therefore have to submit individual objections.
What is required of you?
Go to https:/
Search property (type in your LR No. eg, 7785/000 or Nairobi Block112/000
This search will give you; the ratable owner, approximate size of your property and Unimproved Site Value (USV)
Click ‘submit objection to USV’
Follow the steps given.
(The above applies to all Nairobi County ratable properties
The objection will cost you Kes 500
Please treat this as very urgent as there are only a few days remaining.