New luxury building Le Mac already in a state of disrepair

Le Mac is a luxury development that was launched in Westlands at the end of 2020. It trended a bit on social media for having completely transparent balconies that made it seem like you were standing on air. @Mimi_Huwa_Namwaga_Nd also once tried to lie that he had an apartment there. I passed the place this morning and it appears to already be in a state of disrepair. The paint is chipping, there is water damage on the walls, and the blue curved rooftop is already discoloured. Africans don’t have maintenance in their vocabulary. Tried to take a photo but I had to zoom quite a bit. It looks much worse in real life

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This is the only man who can fix that paint job


The parking is an eyesore…paint peeling off and there are visible signs of moulding…and that was a year ago.
In the above pic thats level 24…i know the owner…seems like he treats it the same way he treats his cars

Kwani ameishiwa?

That water damage is fixed by power washing with water. Easy one day fix. But commercial real estate is used almost entirely for speculation. Even if the building is in disrepair, it residual value is higher than it’s mortgage.

Ochieng acha wivu, mbirrioneas there are not complaining

Airbnb owners in that building wanakafunga vizuri