Wahh! Nywele ngumu from Nairobi to New Orleans kazi ni kulilia sirikal saidia sisi! Gibsmedat reparations! Give me other people’s money!
If bleks are paid reparations they will have no use for the corrupt Democratic party. The party of never ending slavery.
Bleks wamekuwa wakidanganywa na empty nonsense called civil rights… no one have ever cooked or eaten civil rights.
The only people who eat are the elite black activists : Obama ,MLK and the rest of the CONMAN and CONWOMEN gang. Wao wakule nyinyi mngojee civil rights.
Bure kabisa.
Obama is now trying to rewrite it to appear that Republicans are the ones against reparations while in fact he is the one.
Wacha deni ilipwe.
I thought you were for reparations. Ama kazi ni belittling everything a Black man does.