Where is Queen Nefertiti?
The whereabouts of Queen Nefertiti remain unknown. She was married to Akhenaten , a pharaoh who spurred a religious revolution. He tried to focus Egypt’s polytheistic religion around the worship of the sun-disc, Aten. In doing so, he unleashed an iconoclasm that saw the names of Amun, a preeminent Egyptian god, and his consort, Mut, erased from monuments and documents throughout Egypt’s empire.
Akhenaten also built an entirely new capital city at an uninhabited site, now called Amarna. Akhenaten’s religious revolution ultimately died with him, and his son, Tutankhamun, disowned it a few years after his father’s passing.
Many archaeologists have said that Nefertiti was buried in one of Amarna’s tombs. These tombs were plundered after Akhenaten’s death, the city becoming abandoned within a few decades of the pharaoh’s passing.
Archaeologists have speculated that if Nefertiti’s body survived the plunder, it could have been re-buried in the Valley of the Kings , and her remains could be one of a number of mummies whose identities have yet to be confirmed.
Reeves, who made the original claim about the hidden rooms, did not return requests for comment.
Sijasoma…mongoose wekelea betslip bana
Yuko hapa @Nefertities…
with two tities:D:D:D
She grew tired of royalty and came to Kenya. Vodka tastes better than Egyptian sand in her mouth.
Io mali ulioja boss
hapana bana. wakanyama aliniibia nyama kwa mdomo
naonanga mkisii @Nefertities ako na KUMA kubwa saidi akinipea naswim ndani natokea kwa mkia kama nimekimbia
nitakuja tuongee. Nice!
natgeo inamtafuta…mbaya…
General @Wakasungura