a friend of mine wants to track his nduthi’s and wants to know installation cost and monitoring expenses…
anyone offering this service here
a friend of mine wants to track his nduthi’s and wants to know installation cost and monitoring expenses…
anyone offering this service here
It will cost him though, on average 15k upwards. Go to a place behind tmall, behind taidi’s there’ a guy who does it at one of the car accessories shops. The shop is called shiznit.
Fungilia 3310…
There is a Chinese tracker that uses a SIM card to send GPS coordinates via SMS. Sorry I can’t remember the name. I’ll try to find the CD that came with; in that CD was a softcopy of the manual and the name of the tracker.
It’s very simple to use. Once it’s fitted and hidden on a bike, all you need to do is call it. It’ll hangup and respond with the GPS coordinates of the bike --you then had to feed those to Google Maps to get the location. It had simple instructions like shut off engine, disable start etc.
At the time it cost about 1.5K. The dealer used to charge 1k a month for tracking services, but, I did the tracking myself though a C# app I made that used Huawei modem to make calls/send SMSs and get tracker response and show the location on the map.
I, however, don’t use the tracker anymore as I sold all the bikes that had trackers.
Sasa Nduthi na vile ni ndogo hio tracker itafichwa wapi?
I Will share a pic of a tracker I have for nduthis once I get to the house. 15k ni rip off. Jipange na 3500/=
Hiyo hawes zuia kina njoroge