Leo @TrumanCapote atalala na viatu. Her prophesy is coming true. Hii jaluo inakamua huyu woman anaisha akili. If she owns the capital and the financial skills to use it, how is it “his business?” Ile dicklofenac anakulishwa hajawahi ona. :D:D:D
Interesting. Let people make mistakes and learn, we can never be too careful. I guess it’s a high time you start incorporating learning from mistakes in you beyond perfect formulas.
Wakioana walituuliza? Anyway, getting help from a lady financially is a big no… Maybe small cash ju utakumbuswa till kingdom comes. Ladies ain’t the same though, some genuinely help…
Its marriage between two adults so its upto them to work it out.
I disagree. Getting financial help from anyone is smart. You should be more cautious when giving financial help to anyone, not when receiving financial help. If you are the one getting help, you don’t bear any risk. It’s your lender that shoulders the risk of losing their money.
Operate and think like a bank. Anyone can deposit money into your account freely. Nobody can withdraw from it except you.