Ndoa iko na maneno

Who has the real vedio?

I pity any man who’d stomach that shouting from a woman and not have the urge to slice off her tongue

Looks like something Okuyu men undergo. As a real nigga I cannot relate to such. Any woman who comes in my life respects me a lot they cannot look at me directly in the eye, leave alone raise their voices at me. Either way that looks like TukTuk video skits, single mothers like @Thiem spend their entire day on that TukTuk app doing some very crappy sort of comedy.

Ati “How do you expect to feed me?” Hapo mtu angekula kofi.

Unamtoa hio meno ya kutafuna

Men should be careful. This is the new trick in town. Kunguru provokes kwa room till breaking point. If you show anger kwisha…ask Mukhisa. Ata shout on assault.

"Kunguru the bird says that since men have learned to shoot without missing, she has learned to fly without perching.

Msee wa nguvu kama wewe unatingiswa na maneno nyepesi kama hayo?
Inafaa nikupe hutu tuvyenyeji tuluhya zina mdomo na ukikunja ngumi pia yeye anakunja…one encounter with her and your perspective on how to deal with domestic matters will change forever for the better.
Sija watch hio clipu.
Sticks and stones guys…sticks and stones.

Ikifika hapo, wacha niitwe mshamba.
I’ll apply 20% of my strength, na niheshimiwe milele.

No way. Kikuyu women are bread winners and it’s the men who actually expect to be fed.

This is a voice over from a different skit done by bedsitter chronicles. It is actually acting though it happens in real life.

Mimi nikicheza kama mimi…Tunapunguza voliyum

I can’t stomach such nonsense from a woman. Koffi ingekuwa imetembea kitambo

That beta male is eroding our african culture. Even if it is acting, i can’t accept his role in that play.

bibi akikuongelesha hivo inamaanisha ulimzoesha b4 marriage. mimi b4 nioe bibi kuna time aliniletea mdomo refu juu ya insecurities zake aliona moshi i had three options

1 War
Hapa kuna possiblities za injury both ways ama kuumiza mtoto wa wenyewe with clear physical injuries na pia anger is in the picture also kuuwa mtoto wa wenyewe.

2- walk out and leave her there talking

This is for simps betachieths wale ati ‘siwezi piga dem’( wamejaa hapa ktalk), this was a philosophy for our fathers, grandfathers whose oral words were LAW who were dealing with a different breed of submissive women. us, the current youth we are dealing with extraterrestrials straight from pluto.

bibi ataku zoea if you keep walking away and pia she will get the confidence to start throwing physical jabs at you , kofi hivi , ngumi hivi then b4 you know it unapigwa war. unakuwa kama @ChifuMbitika akitombewa bibi

3 Kofi ya stima and rear naked choke.

Hapa bibi akianza hio sauti refu ni kama ya choir zile za kina @Eng’iti za SDA unamzaba kofi ya stima ya left ile ya Kidero ya 30 million kshs , ikisha set in ako dumbfounded unamseti ya right back to settings soul inarudi kwa mwili. hapo sasa unamshika lose rear naked choke before aanze kurusha vitu either you put her to sleep or a gasp kiasi looking for air na kukaa na yeye chini as you caution her kwa kisogo on why mdomo refu is unacceptable to a circumcised man . ( you need to learn rear naked choke usiuwe mtoto wa wenyewe. as an MMA practitioner, UFC certified i know the exact time) this is a one off thing ukiona dem haskii hii usiowe huyo ni field marshal unaishi naye .

i went for number 3 na sijawai letewa mdomo tena na msapere wa Karatina

@Freyja umewaikula hio choke :smiley:

Hehe uwes, I didn’t know you are a wife beater.
You are very lucky Mama Clichy from Karatina is very forgiving. Wewe utafanya watu wauliwe hapa bure with that advice. :smiley:

Hehehehe, coincidentally hata huyo dame ana act hapo anaitwa Grace Wamae from Karatina. So unasema Navy SEAL from Western kama wewe ndio atanyamazisha yeye?

:D:D:D i have clearly said its done once. per wife

Next time makende ukipiga wife ngeta ,unaweka a piece of wood/chuma kwa hio mkono inapiga ‘choke’ Kama venye nilifanyiwa na akina @johntez hapo OTC , very romantic indeed.

Just some skit by Terence creative…
By the way, juzi he was defending his woman from body shaming…
At least @rexxsimba has never done a “Bibi ya mtu” on her here.

The choke is nothing to smile about.
That’s the point a woman internally processes whether :-

  1. Do I really have to stay ? If I stay how safe am I if the next time he goes too far ?
  2. Can I walk away ?
  3. How good will I look wearing black in his funeral or if shit backfires ,will I survive Lang’ata max ? :slight_smile:

Never ever put your wife in such a position unless she’s into heavy BDSM and you doing it for pleasure. I have friends (a couple) who love these near death experiences. They get physical and then the next day they are crazily in love.