@Ndindu needs to read this to develop some self esteem


I have always insisted that ancient Africans were intelligent but after accepting the Christianity Cult everything went haywire.

Naona unarecycle everything from Whatapp. Seems you are new to the internet. Welcome

We did not have a constitution but rules were set and strictly adhered to.
We had our God in Kirinyaga (Thaai thathaiya Ngai thaai) whom we worshipped and who listened and immediately responded to our prayers.
We were one African Nation (excluding the North Africans) hence the reason why we would migrate to wherever.
Yenyewe huyo mzungu alitumess.

They really did a number on the niggers https://www.africanexponent.com/post/8595-the-letter-to-the-missionaries-reveals-the-aid-of-religion-in-colonisation