Treach can rap though tomorrow were preordained to be not…one of the Premiere rappers in hip hop history…
Listening to this gem reminds me of two funny happenstances …
Last week an mpesa agent narrated being drugged and robbed by a ninja clad woman along with a man fear for Ninjaz and I told hiin to add ninjaz Kuwait ; no peripheral vision from mask, not accountable, and using 0 mirrors front or back…drive like bats …flashing you to get out of the way…plus then young male Astronauts; too high (in US High is high not drunk) to walk straight but flooring!!
Listen to tail end of 2:15 to 2:50
Back in Kuwait about 2010 or so, strolling to the BX not paying attention…we passed a group wearing Gov Civilian military fatigues, but were walking funny , not tucked in etc.; we day dreamt and passed into store, and as we left, some lady gesticulated then ran besides them and took a snap; thereafter, I later realized it was Naughty by Nature…hahaah…