Joining NATO forces is the brainwashed. War is business and going overseas to fight hardened militia is for fools. Taliban, Al Qaeda, Viet Congs and the rest fight for a Cause. US soldiers fight for a Salary.
The mother of a soldier who was killed in action in Afghanistan at the age of 22 has spoken of her anger at the repercussions of troops being withdrawn and says it makes her feel her son’s death was in vain.
Sergeant Sean Binnie, 22, from The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland, was killed in Afghanistan on 7 May 2009.
Sean had volunteered to help soldiers in trouble during a fierce firefight as they trained Afghan soldiers in Helmand Province.
population control is a core mandate of the world’s ruling elite (russians are in on it too), its in their constitution, they refer to it as the four horsemen. without this, world population would balloon and become impossible to govern and hence de-power the said elites. they also believe high populations will make resources scarce. also populations that sit on the source of prized resources never have to have peace. every once in a while, the conjure up a war that is used to shed excess populations. the reasons for war never have to make sense in the long run. hand in hand with war is famine and disease. if you take dorobo by his word then all this will make sense.