NASA Inventions or Modifications?

FYI as Truman Capote says, " wear a tampon and stop bleeding all over my post". If you have no clue what this is all about then move on! 1. We need humans that add value, and not characters that subtract value. 2. We tolerate all criticisms however stupid( they seem) so long as they are written in good faith. 3. Abuses, put-downs or put-offs are welcome so long as you are ready for a worse dose of your medicine 4. Be relevant 5. Nobody cares about your likes or following; it can’t be monetized! 6. Even if you block us, we won’t notice 7. This is not meant to be a report, and it is not for rapport, so interpret it any way you choose 8. Get a life outside the Internet if you wan’t to make it personal 9. Moral or immoral is a choice you make, who cares? 10. Move on without being disruptive or leaving any of your negative energies every stop you make!

And now to the invention. Since coronavirus is an emergent illness we expect all parts of the world( Africa, Asia, Western World etc.) to make inventions related to it, at a near similar pace. Butt-heads who wait to be shown the way, to be led, or to receive handouts must cease to exist…and probably die of Covid-19!

Questions, OK. Why has NASA gone so low by attempting to re-invent the wheel? What makes that technology different from what we already have in hospitals e.g. the nebuliser machine for asthmatics? Can’t the nebuliser create a fog or be modified too to create a fog? What constitutes the disinfecting fog? What is its chemical composition? As for their “ventilator” what makes it different from the usual CPAP machine used in sleep apnea?

Finally, and on an encouraging note; Kenya is making its own masks and other PEPs for its staff/population. This is the time to totally discourage imports or donations of such items so that we protect our industries. We need to encourage local investors with local input… kudos to TUM( Joho), Kicotex( Ngilu), KeBS(for validation), and Betty Maina(political and executive goodwill). As for the “common man”, you can buy a needle and use your old piece of cloth to make a mask; there is no excuse for “serikali saidia na barakoa(mask)”. Yes, your baby has or wears nappies so that it does not shit all over, so wear a mask to avoid spreading your infection( who knows your status?)…and make sure your mask covers your nose and mouth at all times while you are in public, failure of which may the policemen offer you a thorough beating, and bill you for it!

Yawn! :eek:

“Ndindu”, that happens when you miss your fix and after a long time looking for a sex partner!