Naonea KJ 18

A while back, Kagwe said Kenyans we are suffering because of indiscipline of Kenyans.
The other day he claimed we can’t comply with a curfew yet we are asking for a lockdown( despite the fact that majority of Kenyans are not asking for a lockdown)
Today, KJ tweets something akin to a cambridge analytica piece meant to cause panic and alarm among the masses so that they ask for a lockdown.
I won’t be fooled.

Haikosi NIS has intel that social unrest is simmering, waiting to boil over at the next trigger, hunger. They have to forestall that.

Wacha kanuke tuchape reset. Maybe it will take corona marinated with a dying economy to get the indisciplined forces to side with raia. Wewe uko kambi na corona inamaliza your family, njaa ndio hiyo & knowing our politicians they are likely looting since everyone is not looking.


Merge na hii

Umbwa hii. My post na hiyo ziko totally different. Shule zifunguliwe urudi boarding. Tuckertucker.

Umehama kwenu lakini? Unaingea ni kama bado unalipiwa rent. Wacha kukunywa sanitizer

Nyongwaaaaaaaaaaaa. Peleke umama hukooo>>>>

Just like that. The guy has caused panick and alarm. Soon bonobos will call for a lockdown.

Ange lala ndani wiki moja apunguze ujinga

fuck him , these are the idiots trying to get attention during a crisis , if they are not cooking fear news, they are giving stupid solutions and criticism,
hata Ruto ni vile anashindwa atakoroga hii story vipi, so he is just waiting to see shit collapse so that he can say “nilijiondoa”…

tanga tanga minions are like hungry hyenas , readily waiting for the command from the master