naomba usaidis:Medical field

Ahsandeni sana wadau.

Physio nayo hukuwa aje? Nataka kuenda na options zote

No way ati kazi ni ile ile. Radiology tech hawezi patiana final read ya any study. Kazi yake ni kuscan mtu na kuforward for the radiologist (doctor) to interpret. Still, radiology technician is a marketable field.

Tuseme all are ok.

Stop lying not for feint hearted hiyo kazi ya kukoroga mavi

Ukweli si kazi for the faint hearted.The lying part ndio sikupati.


[SIZE=7]KMTC Courses: Dental Technology[/SIZE]

Minimum entry requirements: Mean grade of C Plain
C in English or Kiswahili, and Physical Science or Physics or Chemistry
C- in any one of the following: Biology, Metal work, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, General Science
Where Course is Offered: Nairobi MTC
Course Duration: 3 years


You can’t pick a job just because you don’t want to tarmac sooner or later the job will bore you at which point you may just tarmac for what gives you job satisfaction.

This makes sense

Medical Imaging Sciences (MIS) is the name of the course inayotajwa kukaribiana na hiyo ya Radiology.
Jamaa wa MIS akishapiga mbisha, anasend kwa mzito Radiologist to interpret the findings. M told kule
mashinani hao ndio hu call shots if the Radiologist is not around. Especially kama ni zile za fractures.

Physio imekuwa diluted na some half baked mofos from JKUAT au sijui KU.

Following closely.
Kwani lazima aende kmtc jameni?

Mzito leta ideas buana

Shukran bratha.

But still a little guidance is not bad…

When he’s done with his radiology tech diploma, tell him to consider specializing in ultrasound…kuna kazi mob sana coz it’s cheaper, still accurate compared to other modalities and has no radiation side effects. With those skills, he can start a boutique fetal ultrasound “office” cum studio where pg women can come for photos of their unborn kids while in utero.

Definitely you must guide the children

Job title is Radiographer.

medical imaging end result is a radiographer,a radiologist is a doctor who has specialised in radiology…for heavens sake at least make google your friend