@ice travelling with public means becomes practically impossible to take pics as for the mrs she is not some randomn quail she is someone i respect …hope yu understand …but thanks for the hoya award
Wewe kwanza osha mikono before yu dine wine the elders…kwanza umepewa entrance exam ? Kuja pole pole kijana learn the ropes first before yu start your trolls
My bad bro @Niititini next time i will seek your wise counsel
@Fala 12 i did not seek your advice that was meant for pur unless you have suddenly grown a pair of boobs and a then take a walk abd fyi
I aint kikuyu
Hehe hata kwa bible someone named Simon Peter was also in denial
Ulinunua nguo?
I eat matumbo fry pale nyayo kwa athola. Very nice wachana na hii ngombe ya ocha
Also Kuna base pale Wilson kwa mkisii
yani ukatoka nki hadi naks saabu ya one night? kwani wanawake wali isha home? ntafte twende matumbo kwa bill yangu
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Is it because kuna kuku imetajwa kwa hio verse?