Can I buy this anywhere in Kenya? I need a cold storage wallet for some coins.
huwezi weka tu kwa freezer?
Kuna post huwa hucomment hata kama hauna solution?
hapana:D:D:D:D:D:D siku njema
Mnaanza aje Madaraka day kwa fujo?
Mimi nimenunua kutoka France and it cost 100 dollars. That’s the only genuine one. Ukijaribu kununua zingine utapata fake
Bica or hakuna kitu kama hiyo.Na ujifunze kuheshimu wazee
i usually store mine on my lbtc account but now they are “limiting” accounts like PP cold storage ni tricky kwangu mtoi aneza pita nayo atupe au tu you misplace it
Don’t just buy it anywhere. Chances are it may have been modded. Some poor bastard had his coins stolen that way.
The fcuk are you guys talking about
Niondolee umeffi dinosaur
Dinosaur this is next generation stuff.
Poa singo matha expert
Ninjas are crafty ‘outchea’ kuna kisenge kishai nitumia btc stealer malware how he did it ndio sijawai jua nikicopy address ya msee nikipaste inajibandika ya huyo thief hapo ilibidii nimefagia kila kitu kwa PC
I think I will download a software wallet instead. Nimesoma story fulani nikapata wasiwasi.
Ripple investor died suddenly leaving almost $1 billion dollars worth of coins lost in a cold wallet. Link: $500 Million Of Ripple Lost After Owner Dies Suddenly
Ni cryptocurrency wallet.
this is a village,you ask for something and you are brought forward something else totaly unrelated:D:D:D:D:D
He he he.