Nani amewai uza shamba

Sensitive topic elders Nani amewai uza shamba hapa nilikuwa ocha during the holidays a distant neighbour about 500m from where I live aliuza front face prime property touching the tarmac the new owner constructed a mini “resort” which during the holiday season hosted Alot of events, sasa point ni have ever sold some land and regretted it and did the money help you or pissed on it, the owner of the said land ako sherehe mbaya till the change runs out.

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It seems like you’re really asking about how to deal with jealousy. Roho ya ukisii inakuandama. Stop pocket patrolling other men


I was asking for opinions it’s common knowledge that land comes easy and leaves easy.

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Ocha wasee huuza shamba then later on wanaregret the decision.

Kuna shamba iliuzwa ocha in the early 2000s na price yake ilikuwa chini. Hao wasee i think walilewa na hio pesa.

Kufikia apo 2020 hio shamba ilikuwa imepanda bei sana.

The family tena ikatafuta buyer anunue shamba enye waliuza before.

Then kwa price yake watakataa enye alibuy nayo.

Huyo owner akakataa akasema land is not for sale na msee akitokea ni trespassing.

Walimkujia kwake but jamaa pia ni ngori hadi wa leo shamba ni yake


How can you sell something you have already sold earlier?


Wanabehave kama ndaauo. Ndaauo anakuuzia shamba, pesa ikiisha anarudi.


Uliza watu walinunua mashamba Kajiado, Kiserian na umasaini early 2000s. The maasai father would sell you the land then continue telling his children shamba yao inafika somewhere. Anakufa the sons come harrass you umeiba shamba yao. I think this is what informed mambo ya communual land laws and the need to involve the spouse when selling family land.


Uliuza shamba hasara, patience pays.

Na bila title utasema land ni yako aje?

Umewahi reason na watoto maasai? Uko nayo lakini Title haiwezi wazuia kuku harass. It does not work that way with them. Utawaonyesha title na usiku wewe ndio utalala hapo pekee yako. Hiyo title will not protect you ama serikali


Mbona unasikia uchungu na shamba si yako

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Sold part of some land to some unmarried feminazi na the other side to a judge, me nikabaki katikati.
Lawyer wa the feminist was a mkora ikabidi we all use lawyers wangu + wa the judge.

Now the feminazi decided to turn her land into a nature conservancy…wild animals, bushes etc. Soon the place was over grown and crawling with snakes. Uzuri the other jirani judge aliita watu wa KWS hio shamba ikafyeka clean na some prisoners from Kodiaga na akapewa warning hio place isipatikane kichaka ama atajua hii nchi ni ya kina nani.


Nope just observations I’m making.

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This is a ranch I assume at least 200 plus acres?

I have had this thought for a while now.

our ancestral small piece of land is touching a tarmac and also a big river. Perfect location for a “resort”. My grandmother and uncles have been doing subsistence farming on the land but struggling financially. A few coffee bushes, napier grass, maize and beans during the rainy season, few banana stems, a few goats, and one or two cows.
I intend to pitch the business idea to them, but one of my uncles will have to relocate a few hundred meters, to another family land, that he also has shares.
Problem is now on the investment capital, ownership, and management of the resort.

Alah , kwani Kenya tunaishi ni tofauti aje ? I do with my land as I see fit I have lands which are forest and with snakes that hata Mimi siwezi venture ndani how can a motherfucker send people to clear my land ? Nitawamaliza nyinyi note , all snakes we have in Kenya we found them here , the fact they find habitat in my land doesn’t warrant you to come with sijui which judge to clear my land
Ntakudeenyer exhaust na mti ya jembe


Shamba uza vile unataka kama ni wewe ulinunua. But ancestral land usiguze. Ancestral land inaendea vijana wangu vile tu ilinipata kama kijana wa boma.

Eiii. Elloi elloi lama sabakidhani

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90 acres only.