Assuming this was true and that you’re the husband (pinkies assume you’re her). What would you do!!!


Tulishasema hizi screenshot za WhatsApp ziwachwe Facebook



I can see a guy has been happily licking cum off some bitches clit and really enjoying it. Saa zingine wanaume tunatumika tu kama kiatu haki.

Kwa Zuckaburger cousin wa former ambassador Rannenburger aliyekwamilia Kenya after tour of duty.:D:D:D

kunguru hafugiki nahurumia bwanake


she can gerrit…

Unahurumia fisi? Unajua alikuwa ameenda Nax kufanya nini? Hiyo mongo imetoboa hiyo kuma miaka hii yoote mpaka imetapika vitoi vitatu na amechoka fala ingine ndio inakuja kulamba manii…

Wacha pu**y ikuliwe na boy child kila nyani na starehe yake wazee wameshindwa na kazi vijana walime shamba :p:D:D

:smiley: Yenyewe.

chieth za captain frisk zibaki huko huko…meffi:meffi::meffi::meffi::meffi:


hizi chats si fake

Just wondering why did the guy share the screenshots online?

He did not. What likely happened:

  1. Mtu anapoteza ama kuibiwa simu halafu kumbe
  2. Mtu alikuwa ameweka password ovyo ya screen pattern kwa phone halafu kumbe
  3. Anaachanga browsers na soc media apps ziko logged in halafu kumbe
  4. Wakora wanachokora simu na kutoa hiyo uhondo yoote na kupost kwa social media kama wameshindwa kublackmail halafu kumbe
  5. Wanaflash simu na wanauza.
    Umewahi poteza simu?

The possibility that it’s a third party is written off, because the screen shot of the phone and the whatsapp massages match on the time sent and screen shot time…
And if the boy was kamuaring the thing, then the guy must have also sent the screen shots the same time.
CSI conclusion is that it’s as @john_doe has put it. It’s the same person with two whatsapp communicating to himself unlucky is the lady he is trying to revenge on.

He/she did not sent the screen shots he/she likely just saved them. Last year. Or five years ago. Now they are out. If you are in the habit of nyanduaring chicks all over the place and keeping sweet reminders on your phone, put them behind some serious security.

@introvert ashakuonea 18
