I save 70% of my monthly income. I send my Illegal immigrant husband 25% of my remaining wage so that he can look the part and hopefully one day when the Democrats get back in Government, he might be able to join me. I live on cornflakes and milk from Walmart and only shop on Sunday when they have offers!
I am sitting on the chapatis already! … Can’t wait till I lure this fool into America. I’ll never have to cook or clean ever again!
Who am I?
I drive a Mercedes Benz Actros truck and pretend not to be part of the KTalk crew.
I own 50% shares in KTalk although I pretend to be an ordinary Joe with a distinctive title of chief. See you on Thursday!..
Who am I?
I was banned from KTalk for posting incriminating pictures of underage girls wearing nothing but my Raymond blanket.
Who am I?
I was born and raised in Kangemi but everyone on KTalk thinks that I come from Westlands.
Currently,I am illegal in Germany because my aunt who used to work for the consulate in Berlin smuggled me and abandoned me to fend for myself. All of my social life is on KTalk, I have no real friends.
Who am I?
I am a light skin with single mother issues.
Who am I?
When I’m not getting drunk and scratching my bald head, I draw silly cartoons and post them online.
The rest of the time, I fix nduthis!
Who am I?
I am a senile dementia ridden entitled old twat.
I think that I am better than everyone on KTalk but depend on someone to change my diaper.
When am not chasing after young women asking them “ukahe ri?” , I am patronising Everyone with my unwarranted opinions
Who am I?
I tell talkers that I own BMW yet it is just a dream that get cut short when I realise I am wetting my bed. My handle was recently sanitised and I officially joined Dr. Owuor ministry
9 I’m a very very short person in the team #MAGA (make America great again). I hate gatheca with my all and only get likes from a lady mod in ktalk. If cornered ,I throw temper tantrums of insults like a 2 year old. I also write very long long annoying threads. Who I’m I ?
I’m an adjunct professor at a university on Thika Road and hate Toyotas. My roots are Tiriki Western although I’ve many identities including an Indian female. Who am I?
I’m rarely controversial although it’s ironic that my avatar depicts the famous boxer, Muhammad Ali. My ‘naturally beautiful’ wife comes from the Rift region. Who am I?
Almost all my threads contain this refrain: “interesting times ahead.” Who am I?
I’m married and my dad is a truck driver. I’ve also been accused of breaking the tenets contained in my ‘daddy’s’ worldview. Who am I?
I’m a 57 year old, once grumpy but now chilled out due to age. I live in Norway with my wife and daughter. My claim to fame is having the most number of blocked talkers. Who am I?
I’m a mall watchman in America, but due to financial hardship, my 2nd job consists of cleaning houses for wealthy clients. During my free time, I like to take photos of their residences and pass them off as mine. I speak in hashtags only. Who am I?
My handle is a Latin name that translates to, “I think therefore I am.” Who am I?