Name change..

That wont change the fact that ni yeye alimwaga ndani ndaani ya goal post mbele yako beta male. Accept and move on coz pia wewe atakuruka akimbie kwa babake one day ubaki kinywa wazi

Considering contesting for a political seat? Our wily politicians do it all the time.

[SIZE=6]What’s in a name? Politicians change theirs for relevance[/SIZE]
A campaign billboard for Zedekiah Kiprop Bundotich Buzeki, an aspirant for the Uasin Gishu governor’s seat, in Eldoret on February 22, 2017. PHOTO | JARED NYATAYA | NATION MEDIA GROUP
In Summary
[li]Few people know Patrick Wainaina and Bundotich Kiprop’s real names.[/li][li]In a quick solution, the two businessmen have joined the growing list of politicians who have rushed to change their names to those that voters identify with easily in preparation for this year’s General Election.[/li][/ul]
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Patrick Wainaina is a self-made billionaire. At his hometown in Thika and in several parts of the country, many people owe their livelihood to Jungle Nuts Company, a top 100 company that processes macadamia, cashew and peanuts. The firm makes more than Sh600 million per year.
Just like him, Zedekiah Kiprop Bundotich is also a tycoon with the kind of money that former Mathira MP Ephraim Maina jokes is enough to use as fuel to cook githeri for all constituents and the cash notes will not get finished by the time a meal is ready.
Mr Kiprop has vast interests in various businesses with key interests in transport logistics and the dairy sector priding himself in renowned products like Kilifi Gold, Tuzo and Molo milk.
Despite their success, both Mr Wainaina and Mr Kiprop, who harbour political interests have been having a mind-troubling challenge: few people know their real names as the business names have preceded them.
However, in a quick solution, the two businessmen have joined the growing list of politicians who have rushed to change their names to those that voters identify with easily in preparation for this year’s General Election.
Mr Kiprop will now be known as Zedekiah Kiprop Bundotich Buzeki while Mr Wainaina’s new name is Patrick Kimani Wainaina Jungle. In short, they have now officially become Mr Buzeki and Mr Jungle.
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The politicians hope to benefit from a similar strategy that worked for some politicians in the 2013 General Election.
Just before the 2013 elections, one Francis Mwangi faced a similar predicament. Despite his fame as the man who had revived Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) from a loss making entity to a profitable outfit, his name hardly registered in Murang’a where he was seeking the gubernatorial seat.
Many in his county knew of the man who had helped revive KCC. They knew he had been kicked out of the position by vested interests. But they knew that man only as Mwangi wa Iria. Wisdom dictated that he switches names quickly or perish because there was another Mwangi – Murang’a pharmacist Dr Moses Mwangi – also seeking the same seat, creating a potential of names mix-up.
Come election day, wa Iria achieved what had seemed impossible before he switched names, garnering 335,280 votes against 43,103 votes for Dr Mwangi.
In Kiambu, one Paul Kimani was also fighting an immensely wealthy Stanley Munga Githunguri among others for the Senate seat.
Although Mr Kimani was running on The National Alliance ticket, his name was not doing him any good because to the locals, he was better known as the young man who helped many women acquire water storage tanks.
To ring a bell in the ears of his would be voters, Mr Kimani had to adopt Wamatangi as his official surname because it was a name that resonated with many voters especially the women he had helped acquire storage tanks.
It worked wonders and the hitherto little known Wamatangi garnered 566,593 to clinch the seat. In the last few months, dozens of politicians have rushed to change names.
Some of them include Lang’ata MP aspirant Nixon Korir who has added his popular nickname “Generali” to be his first name, Murang’a County Woman Representative aspirant Catherine Kamau who has adopted the name “Mamasacco” and Elgeyo Marakwet County gubernatorial aspirant Bernard Kemboi who has added Chepkulei to his names.
“In the political platform, it is not strange to change names. A name is a special way to resonate with your constituents and this is a concept that has existed since time immemorial. My people call me Generali. It is only fair that I be Generali,” Mr Korir explains.
Mr Chepkulei says that he just adopted his family name.
“Chepkulei is a family name. It is the name that most people in Elgeyo Marakwet refer me by,” the Elgeyo Marakwet gubernatorial aspirant says.
Others are nominated Murang’a County MCA Mary Waithira who has added her “Wamaua.” She will be vying for the Maragua parliamentary seat while Ndia parliamentary aspirant Philip Ngaire Migwi is now known as Migwi Philip Mwigwi. Sotik parliamentary aspirant Rotich Martin Kipkemoi has also added the name Mzito to his official names.
Other politicians who have changed their names include Kigumo parliamentary aspirant Rosemary Njeri Mwangi who is now officially known as Njeri Wa Gichungu, Thika Town MCA Kennedy Mwangi Kimani who is now known as Kentams Mwangi Kimani and Mwala aspirant Urbanus Mutunga Muthama who has included his nickname Ngengele among his official names.
According to the law, one can change your names using a deed poll which is provided in the Registration of Documents Act and the change of names regulations set out in the act.

Additional reporting by Wycliffe Kipsang and Gerald Bwisa

Bro, stick with your current name. Some people have been called stuff like Pancreas, Substone, miguna miguna na hawajabadilisha

Kwani what are you called now?

:Dsereh…lazma ungesema ukweli?

Stupid fool. Get a new email address and register with a new pseudonym