Nice one kwanza hapo @Zee
Back in 2007 after kuclear highschool niliuziwa nokia 7610 lakini ilikua imejazwa zile coins ndogo za bob zimeshikanishwa na super glue.
@Kibet likes this :D:D
This isn’t real right ?
Kumanina mimi sikuwa nimeona,quite an insight…mimi natambua amazon na ebay pekee
Why apologize, the thing is not about the photo, but your play with the handles, it’s brilliant and that’s what counts.
pale buyer beware page kenyans wameonyeshwa majamboz… from delivery of cereals, electronics, shoes and clothes… and you still see stupid kenyans asking for prices and whether the items can be delivered to bungoma or kisumu. the best and the funniest part is when you read the screenshots and the person defrauded asks… “ghai unatuma mzigo ama hutumi” and he is answered “lamba lolo”
Ilikuwa inafeel chunky vizuri ukasema “baas, sasa ndio nimepata phone”…:D:D:D
uko slow…it’s all part of the humor
my bad Mwalimu
No worries
Nilikua nimuza vitu zangu zote i was loaded nilikua na 15k ilikua inaniwasha…io siku i was in tao window shoping for a phone when a guy approched me with a deal i couldn’t refuse .
Did anyone notice that @uwesmake meffi was in the post but juu OP anajua yeye ni meffi hakumtag?
This is adding insult to injury hawangemutumia mbao, kumuibia 22k was enough. Vile @pamba amesema nikiibiwa hivi nakubali na kunyamazia story.
Halafu huyo beste akikuuliza about ile deal ya TV iliendaje unamjibu kwa hasira:- @Unataka kujua ili?
:D:D:D unakubali umecheswo roho safi bila aibu mingi.
Wale wamekuwa conned kwa deal za simu.