Nairobi Expressway the truth

It wont solve the problem of traffic jams in Nairobi. It will just minimize. Without an effective public transport system like light rail, BRT and NMT such as footpaths and cycling lanes all over the city, Nairobi traffic congestion shall abound.
I have heard some people saying BRT shall be put on Mombasa road on the inner lane. I just laught…what a joke is this? you mean that BRT buses shall be using the lower lane exposed to traffic congestion due to round about that remain untouched as the expressway is above. What about check in and check out stations, where will they be built along the expressway or you mean it will be build inside the pillars of the expressway.
This is bonoboism with Africans, you cannot complete roads such as Thika road, Waiyaki way and Nairobi expressway and then start thinking about building BRT. You need to incorporate such things when building roads. See what Chinese are doing. I can assure you without any doubt that the so called BRT being build in Thika road will end up as failure because it was not initially part of the original road construction and now because its part of the inner lane of Thika road, Matatus won’t give a damn about it and will use those road and we all know what corruption does as Matatus will get away with it.
If Kenyan bonobos are not gonna learn how to manage cities by creating livable cities with NMT, and good public transport and enforcing laws, nothing gonna change anytime soon

You need to incorporate such things when building roads.

The original design of Thika rd was BRT-ready. The fat cats did their thing.

I thought you were going to say the express way is a private project owned by the Kenyatta family and Kenyans will dearly pay for it

I completely agree. Unless we fix our public transport mess, Kenyans will keep buying cars. Who wants to queue for an hour or more before they board a matatu whose conductor may hike fares based or his moods nikama dame ananyesha? Or the weather?

Plus we have corrupt politicians cleaning looted money through car bazaars. You cab drive home with a moti if you can raise 100,000/- down payment at the coast, and pay back in 24+ months. As a society we also call anyone with a car mkubwa. New cars will keep increasing as the infrastructure remains underwhelmed.

The solution is to make it very expensive owning and commuting a private car. Introduce city tax like the UK. Parking in the CBD and all Kanjo parking should be 2,000 a day. Free on Sato and sunday. People should use their cars to go to snags, malls, churches and visiting relas. Not commuting and parking for 8 hours. Encourage people to carpool in order to use the Bus lanes. Traffic in Nairobi is caused by small cars, not even matatus.

The solut

Even houses built in the 18th century were later wired for electricity supply, what is wrong with modifying the road?

I ask, what is wrong with that? In europe you dont even pay downpayment, you give details, drive away and then start paying. The same case with phones, TVs, etc.

You got a very valid point. In fact, hata hiyo parking iwe 5k a day.

Public transit and also making it such that using PSV doesn’t relegate you to poor man status. If I use mathree dame atanibeba aje?

Mombada road ni ndogo . Long haul trucks zipite usiku like how they do in some parts of UK, US

Wakenya ni watu bure sana

Dawa ya Nairobi ni counties ziwache corruption watu warudi kwao , we really need urban to rural migration ! and if counties were serious and paid contractors on time alot of businesses would relocate

Pessimistic about anything and everything like a typical kenyan… Nothing can please you. I don’t blame you though, ni tabia yetu wakenya. If you can go express from airport to westlands and save time, whats wrong with that? The largest and best highway in the entire region doesn’t please you either. By the way, there will be a barrier separating the BRT lane from the other lanes like the way the service lane is seperated from the cyclists lane or the way those barricades are already placed on that lane along the BRT construction sites. Plus they are constructing a park-and-ride facility apo kasarani, and relocating matatu termini from cbd, that will surely reduce traffic

Another bonobo

Introduce public (govt run) transport ya BRT by something akin to a parastatal, the way the revived commuter train works. Iwe timely like buses in European cities. Fixed rates, bus card, clean buses, well behaved crew, no pickpocket riff-raff . Mathree zikuke kiboko. A good majority of commuters watahamia izo

there was no need for an expressway. a series of overpasses, underpasses, interchanges and footbridges to replace all the junctions from nyayo stadium all the way to junction james gichuru/waiyaki way would have sufficed. this you could tell from the near normal traffic flow even with the heavy construction ongoing along the affected highway. this particular grandiose project is an affront on kenya’s sovereignty, knowing that we could not afford it still went ahead and let a foreigner build as an entreprise.