Mzungu hair falls off after she uses relaxer

White people want dreads, braids and now relaxers. Why would a white woman go buy relaxer for African 4c type hair. I have the coursest, fastest growing, thickest hair that I can’t even think of going natural coz it’s too thick to be manageable naturale and I still know not to relax my hair more than twice a year. Yet immediately after relaxing my hair is so thick it looks like weave. But bado me huogopa relaxer and even some types of color that damages hair. And I only trust one person to relax my hair. Mzungu anabuy from shop and does the relaxing herself. This people are just insane.

This is relaxed 4c hair. It’s still has body even after the relaxer so mzungu hair is lighter and straighter natural than 4c hair relaxed plus she had bleached her hair so it was weaker. I’m surprised she didn’t get chemical burns…