Mzito Donald Trump To Leave WHO

Mzito to leave nefarious organization WHO is just orgasmic news. And this is the downfall of this satanic organization that forced corona on us. I’m happy :smiling_face::grin:


Simple question, did you get any Covid vaccine?

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Neeeeeeever, my blood is pure

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But they are supporters of kasongo evil plans for Kenyans

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Not Trump

Unapenda vaccines tu sana. I know umeshaendea hata hiyo ya ngombe.


Yeah I did, walinidunga Kwa haga zote mbili.

Hexaboosted matako pia?

Putin bwoy mi Neva took day poison.

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Is there an argument here?

Just a statement of fact

Aww mehn! You gonna be confusing our resident umbwa koko @rexxsimba. Why you be getting dungwad in both when u know he loves em swollen?

Oya Mbuthia, hujalewa Bado?

Wachaniende hivi kiasi, don’t feel like explaining my joke to mtu ameshacatch.
