elders Kijijini, am stranded here and i would do alot with a Piece of mind especially from those who have been through the ringer…
Am stuck at my Uncles place. For 2 months now.
Started as a Visit for a week afterall its close to my Campus and i was after my Cert but then lecturers strike happened and now we are here…
Thing is, i haven’t been at all lazy. Was working for my stay and food all along. Cheap ass work with no payment. Obedience, respect , humility… all in due reason to attain my targeted motive, and now its up…
I feel i should leave the premises , and that kicks in the tricky part… men i got nothing , literally dry-ass pockets, … I cant go home either… my ego can’t let me, Yall know how this pins out, going back home to re-process and plan would be a bad idea for a grown-ass Man. .
Am new to all this Alright… So please cut me some slack with the mean comments… I got just this question, Where do i start from??. Where would you Start From??? … What would a Real Man Do?? … I am loosing my Damn Mind.
No! You cut yourself some slack. You still learning. Though you feel grown you need to act logically. Lincoln once said that if you gave him 6 hours to cut a tree, he would take the first 4 hours to sharpen the axe. You’ve got to sharpen your axe. Take a break, go home and figure out you next plan. Then go hard on it. Be wise.
Hook up with a friend from whatever hood and tell him you’re ready to take any job hata kama ni mjengo to sustain yourself, I did exactly that during my time
Rent the cheapest house you can get…hata kama ni ya cartons…then face your uncle like a man…tell him of your intentions. Don’t ask for money in your talk…just say you are now old enough to fend for yourself… ask for pointers. Na usichague job…be strong and work hard…
Look for work while still at your uncle’s place…place poa kuanza ni mjengo… also you can inbox me for some work in garrisa town if you want… pay ni ksh.250 per day(i’ll provide food and accomodation)… then save up…once you have enough…move out… but you’ll have to prove you are a hard worker…hawa watoto wa university kuajiri pia inakuanga stress… (but hit me up…)
To be a man it means having something to offer…so leave your ego at the door and stay put till something comes up.
Seat back and relax just have your ATM card and keep on checking balance nmeskia nys wanawekea watu pesa tu bure ,wait for your turn
Vile wazito wamesema hapo juu. Usichague kazi. Move out. Leave your ego at the door. Connect with other dudes in your situation.
It is when I read stuff like this that I realise where we have all come from. My first job was at a village shopping centre. I had just left highschool and was fed up living with parents, especially the farmwork part; bila pay. Na kukitokea mjengo ya wazazi mimi ni kijiko na wheelbarrow bila pay. Eish.
Being broke but in your own 9x9 gives you a perspective that changes a man for life.
Exactly, pewa mbili utume paybill number inbox. Left my mans house nikaenda kwa kina @culture pipeline. my mom saw where i lived she almost cried, but i could see the smile in my old mans face. Nilifanyiwa shopping kiasi and some pocket change na mzee, yote nilikojoa kitindo bar. Freedom is very vital if you need to progress.
I already know you are in Nakuru, maybe I can help, what did you study?