tafuta maasai mukae chini akupee supu ya dawa umupigie hio fable , jinga
Kwanza ameanza na he ain’t an alcoholic, kidogo kidogo tena hii…
Hehehe… You win.
Leta hekaya.
Looking for a decent place to drink upcountry is challenge #1. Most people drinking wamezoea chum so wakikunywa chupa mbili, the guy becomes the Governor’s PA.
All waitresses double as the village go-tos for dry spell and dirty titty fantasies. They are responsible for more than half of the venereal infections of church going women, thanks to their philandering husbands. Challenge #2.
You’re living and working in shaggz. Uliza gashwin challenge#3
Jifunze kiingereza kwanza
Sijui Kwa nini naona @Dune ni @introvert
Introvert hawezi kuwa na rusungu kama ya OP. Jamaa wa Rusinga island anaongea kama Mboya bwana.
Huyo ni mkale wa akina @Tarantino ama mkamba…99%
the guy is a fraud with very poor imagination and oratory skills :D:D:D:D
It means he is a lang’o guy
Lakini hii virgin haijuangi kitu ingine isipokuwa HPV
I thought it was a myth until it happened to me like 2 years back. Unaenda kukojoa unaskia ni kama unakojoa pilipili. I remember kneeling down in the bathroom shower still running crying my heart out. Ata kama siendangi kanisa hiyo siku niliambia Mungu nitaokoka na sitawai dinyana tena mpaka nioe. Needless to say, 3 months down the line I was back to my whoring ways but only more careful this time round. I think whoreness might be a condition like alcoholism, until they bring rehabs for this, some of us are doomed.
Mosa huyu mjinga wa kijiji ama there is another Mosa? Hio napinga. Mekanika can’t be that retarded.
Sawa csi hehehe
That shait is painful man, I think second only to giving birth
Kwani umewahi zaa?
Never ever, mekanika murefi ati, mimi ni kuonja tu naonja
Nimewitness, alafu kuna study inasema giving birth is more painful than ball crushing, well iyo experience ya kukojoa ka umechomwa ni uchungu kuliko kufinywa kende