Respect… Men at work
The irony of this picture is that the poor laborer (mjengo worker) might be building flats belonging to the NYS thieves. People who looted his hard earned tax money. Gets 300/- a day… Mama wa mjengo wa chakula debits him 50bob daily on loan for chapati madondo lunch.
Later goes home and finds the landlord’s son screwing his wife in his house. Tells the wife to step outside as he locks the door. Remains inside with the landlord’s son. Tells the boy child aruke juu ya bed and chunishas him sukuma. True Story. It happened. And not that he is gay, ni ile mauchungu.
what about those people’s safety:D?
Respect… Men at work
The irony of this picture is that the poor laborer (mjengo worker) might be building flats belonging to the NYS thieves. People who looted his hard earned tax money. Gets 300/- a day… Mama wa mjengo wa chakula debits him 50bob daily on loan for chapati madondo lunch.
Later goes home and finds the landlord’s son screwing his wife in his house. Tells the wife to step outside as he locks the door. Remains inside with the landlord’s son. Tells the boy child aruke juu ya bed and chunishas him sukuma. True Story. It happened. And not that he is gay, ni ile mauchungu.
What is the exact location of this building?? How recent is it?? Provide this information urgently
June 20, 2018, 9:55am
Zero safety here. Report such to both county & NCA
June 20, 2018, 10:26am
Watu wa mjengo hawalipwi 300 nowadays, hata mtu wa mkono hawezi kubali such an amount.
chunishas him sukuma.
you mean he went rogue on the side dude’s rectum?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: jisas
hizi flats over 7 flrs need to have a lift lakini ni hekaya huku kenya. Ukihamia 7th flr unaskia ni kama torture.
Wanalipwa how much Mr. Site manager?
June 20, 2018, 10:42am
They need such…scaffolding is much safer and economical
You copy paste everything sieeenzi
June 20, 2018, 10:47am
Watu wa mkono lowest siku hizi soo tano na mafundi roughly 1k and above.
naskia nchi kama Germany mtu wa mjei ulipwa 15euro per hour…
Unatafuta kazi?
Yeah. Natafuta kazi ya mjengo
Construction of this building should have been stopped and the owner slapped with a massive fine… ehhhh sorry I got carried away there!
They will then spend the money on gambling, drinking, and women.
Life is incredible.
This is not a solitary case, there are many more, even worse than this!