Mwanamke ukunywa Guiness

Traits zao huwa

  1. Most have dreadlocks.

  2. Listens to reggae.

  3. Anajulikana na makanga wa route yao and many a times anapewa vako (saree) kwa matt.

  4. Single mother

  5. Uvaa bikers instead of panty/thong.

  6. Shoe game ni anti high heel. Sneakers ndio zao.

  7. Tom boy.

  8. After kula nyama choma kwa bar she tells the waitress/waiter amfungie mfupa ati ni za dogi kumbe ni zake.

  9. Most likely a smoker.

  10. Ufungua beer using another beer bottle or na meno.

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We won’t add , kwanza thread ni ya umama na utoto ,leta thread ya kununua tu plots na pesa kidogo , investment …hii yako ni secondary school na zikifunguliwa fuda

I know one

How is it your business how a grown woman lives her life so long as nobody gets hurt and it doesnt affect my escapades I say “Everything is permitted”

Who is “we”? Speak for yrself

Skip thread then Sir



Wao huongea na base

Meffi thread

Kila nyani na starehe yake.


:D:D:D:D afisa kwani chai ya leo ilikuwa ‘ndufya’???

You read some shiet you understand the recent rant by couch p about the owners of this site.

Miss those days sweeps and threads were insightful ,siku hizi vipis ziko na vihereherehere nikama zina shuta kwa pampers courtesy of Kenya talk Facebook book page.

wooooiiii,who fucked your girl.? hii kutukana wasichana after wanyimane ikus inafaa ipigwe marufuku

-Wao ucheki ball na maboys and also do betting.

  • Chews khat/Miraa

  • Hawaogopi kuchange nguo mbele ya men.

Base ya mtaa gani? :slight_smile:

Tuanzie na traits za yeyote anajiita @KaRadar_
[li]Amejaza umeffi kwa cranium[/li][li]Ni shoga wa kiajabu[/li][li]Lightskin lakini ameathirika[/li][li]Bingwa wa matapeli[/li][/ol]
Tuendelee hadi heshima kwa wadada idumu