Could the recent spate of domestic violence be as a result of such phenomenon?
That is a well established fact.
The recent events is due to their kunguru ways but it’s true most of them wakipata pesa matharau inaanza.
Juu ya wale runners ama. Mimi nilisema manzi akianza upus nagongesha gari yake, watu nasema ni utoto
That is such a simp move. Grow some balls and learn to walk away
Naigongesha, na sijafanya ivyo once. Yeye ndio anatoka Kwa nyumba yangu.Nagongesha gate
thats why tunasema dont invest in a woman. so that akiamua kukutoka hakuna hasara unawacha tu aende
Pia wewe jiweke kwa hiyo mix.Unakaa mwanamke kushinda uki whine about nothing
Saa zingine inabidi.
Dehorning A Heifer
Hiyo ni utoto
Money talks bullshit walks. Even among friends the loaded chap calls the shots. How can you be the head of the house and you earn less than her? She starts earning more the chances of that marriage surviving are slim.
Ume dehorn ngapi na hiyo whining
Mgisu offshore account pale Malaba uganda border maintenance fee ni ngapi.
I know a guy who is a cop and married a female doctor making big money. But the mama is a kalenjin. Very submissive still. Jamaa aliangukia manze.
:D:D:D:D:D… MGTOW=FREEDOM…the operating word is COP !!! …there you have your answer.
It always falls to the man…mshahara si shida money is just money but kama wewe ni simp with bonobo tenderncies utasaidika aje…:Dor your wife is just disrespectful.
Pressure hutoka kwa inlaws.