Mutula Kilonzo jr choke saga.

Ata chakula kwani ni kushindana?

Anyone can choke. The easiest way to unchoke someone is to finger them in the a$$.
But that won’t work, kama wewe ni mtu wa kusakatwa rasa.


How did you know


First aid 101, @pamba don’t come here to demonstrate your ignorance.

If you have nothing to do , @Liberty , don’t do it here.


huyu jamaa hajakushow poa

Meria Mata how did you know?

I was told that First Aid to unchoke someone is by blow on the back, happy katikati ya shoulders.

Hii ya @Gerald Achieng Achieng sijui ni gani!

Nikiwa kipii, nishai nyongwa na machungwa…wacha tu. nilichukua more than 30 seconds katika hiyo hali.

naweza taka uchoke ukiwa karibu na mimi

Reactions are quick and savage! [ATTACH=full]196148[/ATTACH]

I knew ukiona mambo ya fingering the ass utatokea faster faster and you didn’t disappoint.
By now I have figured out what excites you Wakahomo.

Somebody gets into a simple accident and people celebrate with snide remarks. Thats niggas for you - basement level IQs.

You must have missed a very basic lesson in your journalism classes.
Mzee, when a dog bites a man, that’s no news.
If Wakahomo this evening takes a big bite of his mutura(rhymes with Mutula) in his butchery and chokes, no one will talk about it.

nah, i am antihomo and that is why i am and will always be on your case

Ako na card ya NHIF ama ameenda india for further treatment…

politicians na chakula wameanza kufuatana Mara gavana wa west P,sijui Mutula whose next…waiting to see