Mutual assured destruction

Thanks to MAD, we are safe in the knowledge that a nuclear holocaust is virtually impossible

@TrumanCapote snores like a chimpanzee

And shits like @under23 ,his anal sphincter muscles are completely bombarded by mzee @kanguthu therefore no brakes

ndio Ukraine itajua Putin hapendi ujinga on Russian territory

-This week will be very interesting. Biden has said regime change at all costs which means they could have something crazy planned for Russia.
-Russia will obviously retaliate
-In other news, I believe it’s significant that the day of atonement, Yom Kippur, which is the most holy day in Israel falls this week on Wednesday October 5th.

say something meaningful for a change

Twa! Twa! Twa! Tingli! Paragasha! That is the sound that will reverberate around the room as I shove my tarimbo inside @Nameberry1 and move the cucu like a puppet! :meffi:

You seem fixated on the middle eastern view of the world. Kwa nini elder?

All roads lead to Jerusalem, and you will understand why very soon.
