Muthamaki and Ruto

Hapa ruto anatajwa na Muthamaki ni mgani coz naskia kazi ni kurandaranda.
Check out @citizentvkenya’s Tweet:

Lakin Leo the prezzo sijui alikua na mini…alianzana na sonko akamaliziana na DP

Fombe manenos


Yes, from 2018, President Uhuru decided he will take a more supervisory role in State House to implement Top four agenda while he will send, funds DP Uncle Ruto to visit all 47 counties to inspect, launch projects, handle politics, get first hand feedback and report back. That’s their new operating mode. He will cherry pick which projects dear to him to commission, launch or inspect but the bulk majority is for DP Uncle Ruto. So far 25 counties have already been covered repeatedly and others will follow.

Blame early morning consultations with trusted leutenants Jamesson, Johnnie Wallker et al.

Key word ni gutangatanga…

How a certain President is looking from his house on the hill as his thiefdom is plundered. Meanwhile, the deputy has been sent on Mission Impossibles around the country. Fat cats moved in to the office of the President from where they executed their lootocracy.

he is being real. hapo alichapa Ruto sweep Kali sana

Mtu atuwekee downloable mp4:oops:


I tried to crit the link up there but i couldn’t get it to play


Nonsense. Ata fellow psychophants wenzako, akina Wahome Thuku et al wameanza kujump ship. Huyu Ruto hakuna mahali anaenda

Uhuru is very very intelligent politician he has aquired legally and silently many things. Ruto suffers from what we call New Money syndrome. Hawezi iba na atulie pesa zimamuasha he has to be extravagant.He has to announce to the whole world that he has arrived. 2022 asahau

Hii sasa ndio inachesa pale State haus

Ministry of Finance, na CBK governor, na defense angeweka zikiwa side yake irreducible minimums lakini aliblunder. Huyu Ruto na yeye ni mwizi sana. I saw on TV kalenjins were very angry upon realization wezi ni watu wa kwao tu waliwaibia. DP might lose support in his home turf

“Kazi ya huyu kijana Ruto ni kutangatanga kila wikendi… Wangapi wanasema tuache siasa tuanze kutumikia wanainchi?”

I think we are misinterpreting Muthamaki because of his wrong choice of words.
