if my memory aint failing me last time alishikwa na raia Limuru kwa kibanski polisi wakamsave, this time raia ikimpata ni team building
Let’s start denying bail for offenders charged with serious crime offenses. Then let those cases not take more than a year from arraignment to verdict. However the only change in our judiciary since the new constitution is the title “independent”. Its still very corrupt and very slow. I thought this Mugo was done a few years ago with the rape and operating an illegal clinic charges. Kumbe he got bail and continued from where he left.
Sawa Gatheca.
Parliament should allocate more resources to Judiciary so that more researchers, more judges and magistrates are employed and more courts are biult in every corner of Kenya.
They did in financial year 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 & 2017-2018.
Why has it not worked? Auditor general final report points to corruption in all those projects. Contractors have been fully paid but the projects aren’t completed, haven’t been taken up and records are missing. The respond from the Judiciary has been the same. They are independent, only its Judicial service commission has mandate to follow up on this matter and take action. They have ring fenced themselves as judge, jury and executioner of their own self.
This financial year 2018-2019 it was cut just like all government budgets. However that’s their excuse for all their failure to date. Some of this changes does not even need finances. Its administrative. Just opening the courts on time, presiding cases on time, keeping files safe and readily available. End dishing out of injunctions unless its extremely important.
Hiyo ni ngori. I am not sure but I do not think they can hide behind JSC. Kwani they are not subject to public procurement act? But on your statement that some of the problems are administrative hiyo nakubaliana na wewe. The government, despite the independence of the various branches, should work as a single unit. Sio mambo ya kublame dpp ama judiciary ama police or any other govt. Department. We have few judges and magistrates. Some magistrates sit in court from 9 to 4 p.m 5 days a week and you wonder what time they write judgments.
Then we both agree. If this simple things hasn’t been done after getting two independent CJ’s then the judiciary has no excuses. For example world bank has spent 10 billion in reforms in the judiciary. The project name has temporarily eluded my mind at the moment. Its the first for world bank. Now out of that budget they couldn’t consider hiring more judges, magistrate and corresponding staff? Ama if its not a build they can’t get kickbacks. I’m party to two cases at the commercial court in the last two years and I know how frustrating delays in cases can be. Expected revenues and business potential are wiped out. Infact in one we will just withdraw the case, pay the lawyer and count our loses. The investor has withdrawn from the project
@Motokubwa ulisomea Gitiba au Muria Mbogo?
huko ni far
mamake anaitwa Nyina wa Ndungi, ehau mbari ya Njiku
watu wa ndunyu ni wabangi
watu wa hio area ya ndunyu huwa na kasoro,wenda wazimu ni wengi sana
hehe, na sio bangi.
hata hio area yenu huwa na wazimu wengi sana mpaka kuna wakati ilikuwa featured na k24
hehehe. basi ni subcounty yoote.
hii nugu nasuspect iko saigon
Is this what it’s called nowadays?:D:D:D:D
@Motokubwa alisomea Musa Gitau. Kwanza kabla aendee klass alikuwa anapitia githenjeroo. Kwanza anakula mutura na thufu. Hapo ndio alilearn the art of selling meat.
Hapo ile bangi inavurutwa hapo na mogoka si macheso.
‘Dr Mugo wa Wairimu’ is a registered Clinical Officer - RCO.