Hi brothers and sisters, I hope this finds you well. I know I said that my next post was on how to defeat the demon of lust, pornography and masturbation, I’m halfway there, but this video I came across the internet, a former secret society member exposes satan in a way that I would call it edifying, as it aligns with scripture.

My main aim of these posts is to wake people up and make them realize what this life really is about. I usually tell people I come into contact with, to think wisely on the 70 years you are given on this earth versus the eternity waiting for you, you know, people look at me like I’m a crazy guy but one day they will come to realize what I’m saying is true. Hopefully it wont be too late. We will all stand before the judgement seat of the Lord Jesus Christ one day and give an account for our lives on earth, every thought, every idle word and every deed. So my friend it would be wise to accept Him as your Lord and Saviour today.

Here is the video, make sure to learn something from it.


Come back with a video of the actual satan/devils/spirits/whatever if you want us to take you seriously

Son, Nigerian movies are not real even if acted by white people. This is one load of crap that you should avoid, particularly if your reasoning abilities are low.

Isn’t Christianity itself the true satanic society?

I need your take on something. Those who perished in Kitui Kwa flood, was it God’s plan?

You already live an eternal life - you have lived hundreds of lives and are set to live thousands more. Never understood people’s obsession with a made up creature.

Hio ni kazi ya the bonobo driver and the two bonobos who encouraged him…mungu ako manshien ya alpha males huko mwikulu…


:D:D funny shiet it reminds me of this


It doesn’t take a genius to realize the bus had a low chance of making it the driver just made a gamble which didn’t pay off.


Free will maybe a concept but we should man up and accept our choices.

Ni kama theists hawakubaliani whether it was God’s plan or Satan’s plan.

You must know that we Have the Reptilians and Greys who visit us. Some of them have even contributed to the tech that we currently use.

I form the light and create the darkness; I bring prosperity and create calamity. I, the LORD, do all these things. Isaiah 45:7

Even when the devil plans something, God will use that plan to fulfill His will. The devil actually thinks he orchastrated a genious plan, but all along The Lord knew his plan and used it to His will. God is playing quantum chess while the devil is playing checkers

Yes but Satan was not born yesterday, he is not stupid either. If everything he does ends up benefitting God, why would he continue doing it?

Nice one…

Didn’t God give us brains to think?

The Devil does not do anything that God has not allowed him to. He is God’s creation and all he does is in line with God’s plans, else God could have destroyed him kitambo Sana… I thought that Satan was God’s enemy until I reread the Scriptures and came to a conclusion that he is part of God’s plans… When God is done with him, he will destroy him at the speed of light… So he is nothing unless God allows him to.

Then think and respond

Exactly. Satan’s existence and acts serve God. Why would then continue?