
I know for sure am an idiot because a day in 2022, i won’t sleep in my bed, i will sleep in a bench in my polling station to be among the first to vote, why lie

Wewe Mzee,ata hukai kufikisha hiyo mwaka…pole lakini

MBarí ya kímenderí…reke ítūmendere. Hio line naona nikipanga.

Hahaha… Not everyone can be saved.

Better mimi niko na relatives huko kwa museveni kikiumana nahamia huko kabisa ,2022 kumi fresh kwa hustler munyofolowe proper bila lube.

Na chiana chiao irafundithio kumendera chiitu

Afisaa, uneza sema hivyo,badala utusaidie na cuns ([SIZE=3]put a Kimaiyo accent)[/SIZE]

Noogle ngurwe ya mutitu, theres a possibility i might be your MCA if not Governor.

Zanini, hatujafika hapo na ata mchinku hawes kubali, amemwaga pesa nyingi sana

Hio line watapiga hao wenyewe…the pissed off populous everywhere are saying the same hio kura watajipigia.

We are a developing democracy. Tangu Moi atoke ndio watu wamejua kazi ya serikali. Ona vile Kabogo alienda, kuna MCA wengi waliona just one term. WSR asipocheza chini 2022 hana bahati. Sonko has shown that Kidero is a SOB. Naona babayao akikula one term pia and Nyoro will run for top seat.

The sad story is places like Kitui and Machakos. They should pray that incumbent has a good replacement.

Notice how I have no idea what goes on in NASA strongholds. Wonder what happens there?

Kuna mtu alisema ati Peter Kenneth hatutamsikia hadi 2022 March akisema vile anaweza okoa nchi.

Cimederagwo ni kuaga kiii.Dirakuriaa nikii ciagiite niguo imederwo

Ulipata kijikuno??

If kibwana decides to run i will definitely wake up to vote otherwise i will enjoy my sleep.

Si nilikupata,unakuja kunikuna lini…mshipa yako pia inauma zaidi sana

Utakamatwa for espionage and deserting your duties.

But errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I am still waiting for the contacts of your dealer. :smiley:

Kakamega bungoma na vihiga tuko sawa

na baadaye ukuje ktalk kuzusha. It’s your lot in life. Otherwise sisi wote tungekuwa powerful, rich and beautiful/handsome.

Who the fuck would sweep the streets or even farm?

Lazima Mungu angeumba idiots. They make the world go round.

Wengine waende campus, wengine wachokee class two. Such is life.

Console yourself with the fact that ukaambiwa uende pale kasarani on Madaraka day uambiwe usimame uhutubue raiya kama Ruto labda uta faint.

Hio ndio sector yake sasa, hata kama ni mwizi. Na hasomi mahali akiwadanganya. Akili yake ni ulimi. Ulimi tu.

Akishasema, " Mmenikubali?"

Mnajibu, “ndio uncle Ruto!!”

" Haya basi rudini nyumbani basi wananchi wazalendo. Concert imeisha."