Mundu Mulosi Sues Aga Khan

C & P

A man has sued a hospital and a doctor for using his genitals to teach female medical students.
The man, referred to by his initials, DK, to protect his privacy, claims he went to Aga Khan Hospital as a patient only for Dr Samnakay Saeed to turn him into a ‘specimen’.

DK says he had sought medical help after experiencing a persistent pain in his genitals.

“In the course of my medical examination, the first respondent (Saeed) requested me to proceed to the examination bed, undress and lie on the bed. While I was still lying on the examination bed, a female walked into the room and proceeded to where I was. A few minutes later, another female was let into the examination room,” High Court judge Wilfrida Okwany was told.

“My assessment of the two females and the conversation they had told me that they were much younger than me; a fact that intensified my mental distress to near panic attack.”
The man said in between his examination, the doctor asked the two students questions.

“I was mentally distressed, which affected my concentration. I had been reduced to a specimen and object of study, subjected to unrestricted and prolonged touching of my reproductive organs." He added that Saeed recommended that he should return for a follow-up but he never did for fear that he would be subjected to a similar experience. DK reported the incident at Parklands Police Station but was told that it was more a matter of medical negligence than a criminal act.

After lodging a report with Aga Khan, the hospital’s human resource manager summoned him for a hearing during which the doctor was unapologetic.
When DK escalated the matter to the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board, the hospital replied that Saeed had apologised for his conduct.
The case proceeded to the board’s preliminary inquiry committee, which concluded that there was no unethical conduct because Aga Khan is a teaching hospital hence students are allowed into patients’ rooms for learning purposes.

But the committee found that the doctor did not seek the patient’s consent to be included in his lesson. DK is now seeking compensation for infringement of his right to privacy. “To the extent that the first respondent allowed two females to enter the room while examining the petitioner’s private reproductive organs without informing him and seeking prior consent, his constitutional rights were violated,” the judge heard.
The hospital has been ordered to reply and appear on July 18 for a mention.

I thought ukiingia university hospital haufai kuwa suprised

The day I went to have my penis sharpened (yes, I’m one of the cowardly clinic generation) I got into the “theater” and found only the doctor and his assistant. Lo and behold, once the circumcision started, five more guys showed up to stare intently at my crown jewels as the doctor went about his business. In total, there were 7 pairs of eyes studying my genitals very keenly. The doctor would snip snip snip, then pause to explain something to the other 5, who never took their eyes off Big D1ck and the Twins (wait, this makes a good band name!!!). In retrospect, I should have sued.
Lakini haidhuru, yaliyo ndwele sipite.

His more important worry should be whether his medical issue was resolved, in my opinion.

Everything else is BS.

Happened to my ex…in her case it was her huge mammary glands which were on display for some wide eyed post teenage medical trainee boys…again at aga khan

This tells you more about the patient than it does about the hospital. That patient is a cretin. Teaching hospitals are like that wherever. In fact, that you have agreed seek consultation with a doctor implies you have given (implied) consent to him for an examination. That there are students present during the examination is only natural. If you are assigned to a student for your history, examination and investigations, you should not hit the roof.

HOWEVER, those patients who opt out and make a clear indication BEFORE the consultation that they do not want to be seen by a student, or seen in the presence of a student, and should be granted that right.

That mongo angesema papo hapo, tu saa hiyo, kwamba hataki mtu mwengine hapo, badala ya kungoja awekwe kidole kwa mkundu na msichana daktari halafu baada ya miezi sita anaanza makelele.

The patient in this situation is right. Consent must be needed to do something like that. I would be uncomfortable too seeing females stare at my 8 inch dick. They may want a piece of it.

Would the doctor have done the same itf the patient was a muhindi??

He was in fact a mhindi

:D:D:D:D:D:D There is a free clinic ya luwere na Kaswende. Huwa imejaa always na iko understaffed so Doki hutoka hapo kwa lobby na kusema. “Hii line yote simama, na utoe suruali:cool::cool:”, all that in the precence ya all the rest . Mnasimama mnatoa anaexamine mbio mbio akidiagnose nakukuandikia note ya kuenda kuchukua dawa… anasimamisha another bench hapo hapo akidiagnose YOU SHOULD SEE THE EFFICIENCY:D:D:D:D:D. No one sues them as if you feel uko special wengine hawawezi ona Mjulubenga yako unajitoa mapema. Hivyo hivyo kuna lobby ya a female doctor, where females go na wanatoa hadharani per bench akidiagnoose haraka haraka, hehe free clinic manenos.:D:D:D


True kabisa, Kuna my ninja frequenter hapo due to luwere ntamuongelesha anipe location

:D:D:DSounds more like a scene from bongo movie

he has a right to privacy hence his consent was needed first. Hata hiyo commitee imesema the doctor needed his consent.

He has a right to privacy. But if you go see a doctor and he asks to examine you, you should object right there and then if you do not want it. If you do not object then he will assume you have implied consent.

Ukiwaambia wakatae and you are already sedated what will you do? The patient has a point.

Sedation and general anaesthesia is a different matter. In such cases, then WRITTEN consent is usually signed BEFORE the procedure.

Hii muhindi iko na ujinga sana - it was unapologetic.

Slay queens walikuwa wakigeuza the “member” kama suasage choma.

Would he have complained if it was his eyes or ears being examined like that? To a doctor an organ is an organ despite it’s function

alikuwa a study in macromastia?