Any bible verse for them to read as they repent there sins?
Masturbation is associated with sexual fantasies and this is wrong and lead to sin.
Jesus condemns looking at women or girls in order to lust after them. (Matt 5:28) it is a sin and offends God. Perving at girls at school or at the beach, looking at pornography, worst of all internet porn, all fuel desire.
When masturbation leads to unhelpful sexual thinking and lust you are sinning and need to do something about it. Make the conscious, aggressive decision to look somewhere else, or go somewhere else, or turn the computer off. Jesus promises that when we are being tempted, he’ll give us a way out. (1 Cor 10:13)
Go on with your Hekaya man…
This video is very right. All over Facebook I see people talking about kunyonga as if its a nornal thing, some even celebrate it. Truth is masturbation is their worst nightmare but getting validation from strangers makes them feel justified