Multimillion development to be demolished – illegal Constructions on River Bed

Maara MP, Kareke Mbiuki, has asked for the disclosure of developers involved in building illegally within catchment areas and on river beds.

It is reported that a developer has erected a fence over the river with plans to construct a building. Also, the wall of a neighbouring estate has been built on the river bed.

[COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]Ques.
Who sold and transferred the government land to the developers.
Do we not have a new system which can identify illegal land sales? Who is reponsible for authorising, hence clearing such land to be sold?


Hii kitu inaniudhi tu sanaa…kila nikipita hapo I remember wangari mathaai. RIP…

I have wanted those houses to be torn down for years. Plus they’re right infront wayaki way red hill road so would would the homeowners access the road since they’re blocked in… glad to see them go.

Hizi keja si ni za Jimmy Kibaki?

Tamaa mbaya. If you can afford to put up such houses, why don’t you get suitable land? Sii hizo ni pesa zimeenda tu bure? Ama ni proceeds za corruption?

Nairobi Dam was the one of the first estates of many. Nyumba zilijengwa na watu wakahama. Dont forget sunshine secondary school. Greed will be the end of us.

Daamn!! Kuna mtu atalilia kwa choo .

Atatoka nduki hadi courts apewe court order pending kesi kuskizwa.

True ! Total impunity

This development has taken years since the days of Wangari Mathai.After her demise the developer seems to have restarted the construction .Mwenyewe atalilia Choo since the houses seem to be ready for occupation.

The owner seems to be influential since hata Ngilu alijaribu akashindwa .

Anti crick ndio hii CP

A private developer who was recently stopped from putting up 10 apartments on wetland in Nairobi has resumed construction.

The title deed for the land was revoked in a gazette notice of April 1, 2010, and the property, which is located at Kibarage Valley along Lower Kabete Road, declared public land.

In March, suspended Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu warned the developer of Alina Villas against continuing with the construction.

Mrs Ngilu had been alerted by environmentalists and neighbours that the tycoon said to have interests in the banking industry had ignored an earlier directive to stop developing the property.

The property was declared public following protests by environmentalists.

Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai started the protests in 2009 when she led a group of activists to the site and asked the government to revoke the title deed of the property.

Following the protests that got the backing of then Lands Minister James Orengo, the developer abandoned the construction work.

He had started putting up the buildings in 2007 when the local community raised alarm.

Mr Orengo took up the matter, which led to the revocation of the title deed for the land.

Contacted on Wednesday on whether the developer has a title deed for the plot, National Lands Commission chairman Muhammad Swazuri did not respond to the text message or answer calls.

But National Environment Management Authority confirmed that it had allowed the developer to put up the buildings before ordering him to stop.

“We have issued them (the developers) with a stop order, halting any activities at the site but (the developer) has now taken Nema to National Environment Tribunal contesting the authority’s decision,” Nema acting chief corporate communication manager Anthony Ngare said.

The tribunal has the powers of a court, which means Nema cannot interfere with the ongoing construction until the case is heard and determined.

The apartments are being erected on the riparian land of Mathare River, which cuts across the valley and environmentalists have been complaining that the development would interfere with the smooth flow of the stream.

The developer has however displayed a plaque showing the construction has been approved by the relevant authorities.

Construction commenced in 2007 , sheer determination to build there.Hope they will end this once and for all.

This is going to Kabete right? I have always felt these houses were rather located in a very awkward point. I even imagined once that road is full complete, a car can fly right into that last house…

On your way up to the left kuna zingine mbili zilijengwa and already occupied .Similar situation a car can fly in incase of an accident.

Where is that…? Nijibu kabla unitusi pls

How’s tainted sugar treating you so far? …or they’re giving you who voted for uhuru twice better non contaminated sugar?..