Mukhisa Kituyi

We need to change the constitution to review our constituency borders to reduce the number of representatives.
Governors and Mcas shouldn’t be frying first class.
Kibaki had very smart fellas

This man and Kibutha can make things move in their respective areas


I recently posted Kibwana/Kituyi 2022 and I think the thread became about Baboun or Ruto ata sikumbuki but the discourse was atrocious

They should be “frying” what? Eggs, bacon…
Mukhisa would make a good president.

Killing engrich, hehe ,the guy fine

unaamanisha dry frying am a?

I can recall the thread.
He has challenged the media that it should be objective and highlight issues affecting citizens now that elites in this country rarely speaks

Amesema hataki wakuwe wakifanya first class Dry frying . Sijui ni gani hiyo specifically

My president 2022 is Matiang’i deputized by Kivutha. We need a dictator ladies and gentlemen, otherwise walking the talk on the war on corruption is BS listening to the violin as frying is underway.
Professor Kibwana is making some good moves in Makueni. I would like to see the county devolution funds report for Makueni from 2013-2017. Naweza ipata wapi?

My friend, tribal arithmetic is being looked at. Unfortunately they can’t see the light of the day


Going through this thread, you will note that the Luhyas are against Hon. Kituyi. Why I don’t know.
But then, anyone who knows we are ferked as a nation should be positive with the two.
Kibaki was very careful with people Took in His Government.

Mukhisa is an articulate guy which makes him a good diplomat but that does not mean he will make a great president…hata pale trade ministry we achieved more under uhuru/silas njiiru than mukhisa…I was an intern there so am qualified to make that observation.
Ask anyone who was at trade ministry back in 2006 and you will be told that the dude was famous for a totally different reason.
Kuvutha is now a proven leader with a track record both as an mp, minister then governor. Let Mukhisa come back and prove himself first as a governor before we can trust him with bigger responsibilities. Remember as an mp he failed and eseli capitalised. Hii kutishwa na kizungu muache

Haujacheka enuff wacha niongeze zingine :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

DG wa Embu alidry fry first class akashikwo eeerrr

ukweli ni 2022 president ni Ruto hizi uwongo mulidanganya Miguna nayo muwache . mukhisa Bungoma anaweza pata gavana bora akuje Ford Kenya

Kivutha is overated, it’s only that he’s one of the tallest amongst dwarves.
Dude opens a dairy and everyone is yapping how far sighted he is.
That’s a very small achievement for a governor and a whole county.
Folks in Central Kenya have been opening and operating their own dairies with no government input while competing for raw milk with heavyweights like KCC and Brookside.

What was he famous for?

He’s @uwesmake shemeji…need I say more