Guys listen to Gaddafi last audio recording …
There are some points that were noted when there was Gaddafi rule -
Health care and medical treatment was free
Newlyweds received U.S $50,000 from the government
Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project
Libya had no external debt and had reserves of $150 billion most of which were frozen globally
The price of petrol was $0.14 per litre
Having a home was considered a human right
Gender equality actually a reality
The Human Development Index was better than two-thirds of the countries reported on
Privatization of all Libyan oil to every citizen
People had enough food
Am sure Libyans wanalilia kwa Choo
Wikileaks released emails of Hillary “Satan” Clinton and Emanuel Sarkozy’s people discussing how to destroy Libya and take all that treasure.
150B dollars ilienda hivyo plus gold reserves
Yet there were/are some African people who prefer Mrs Clinton to Donald Trump. I don’t know how to help those people. Do you?
Trump is better… No skeleton he’s hiding like Obama gangs
RIP Gaddafi. You were much loved.
I take solace from the fact that nature has a way of rebalancing evil and greed very very (in geologic terms) quickly. Britain was a superpower for only 200 years. The US has been at the top for only 50 years and is already crumbling.
There is coming a time when the rest of the world will have its revenge on the Caucasians, by breeding them out. Let the boats float and the migration to northern AMERICA continue apace…
Choosing the lesser of two evils, are we? (Richard Roper accent)
drump may not be as clean as you think.
I will tell you this he is way better than killary clinton
To outsiders a dictatorship often looks ideal.Strong even. Reliable. Until you live there in that country…
There are outsiders who still wonder to this day why Kenyans didn’t like Moi…
How can you not like Moi? A powerful leader of men. Neat, always well dressed fresh carnation in lapel. What’s not to like my dear Kenyans?
The outsider of course doesn’t know of Nyayo house or Nyati house or corruption but it’s there alright. Similarly pale Libya kuna Nyati house na Nyayo house na corruption. You don’t become a dollar billionaire dictator even in Libya by sharing the national cake. You grab that motherfucker and refuse with it.
How could you Zimbabweans get rid of good old Mugabe… what wrong has he done? He redistributed land. Except maybe killing a few tens of thousands of opposing tribes in the 80s what else has he done wrong? What?
What’s wrong with Mubarak or Saddam the nationalist? Eeeh ni vile hamjaishi huko mjue.
And infact all dictators have excellent statistics. Ghaddafi’s govt will say, “we gave free medical care…” Well, Moi gave free milk to all children…
You got free milk!! Who gives free milk other than a great leader and benefactor?!
You got NYS training. You got HELB under Moi. You got subsidized housing under Moi. Literacy standards shot up under Moi. Universities were constructed under Moi. New highschools… new churches… new roads… how could you get rid of such a good man?
Hillary is responsible for many evils but still drumpf is not as clean as you perceive him. Read widely. Kazi kwako.
Summarize this without your white man’s goggles.
Same can be said about Thomas Sankara, Pateice Lumumba but the mzungu made sure they didnt survive. You’re a house negro.
This story has been repeated so many times hadi inaanza kukaa uongo!
Why are you keeping it a secret…sema ubaya wa trump!
Esp that argument that America was ready for a female president & that Mrs. Clinton was the female best candidate.
That woman has toooo many skeletons kwa closet.
Skeletons ama graveyards!
i wish tugepata someone fro libya atuambie kama hii ilikuwa ukweli,this story to me reads like a fantasy,kama ni ukweli then the guy was th4e only true leader