Mtwapa Sukuma Prices

Don’t even get me started na kuma za huko… Cheap whores who don’t shower

at least gays hupiga shower,ama unataka kusema nini?

Don’t feed the troll.


:D:D:D:D Don’t worry about me. I knew the reaction to expect, when posting the story. The fun is in seeing people who were molested in their early years, mashoga wenye wameolewa secretly (and so on) expressing their “disgust”…

Problem is, the gay guys tend to be macho-looking alpha males, with testosterone written all over. So this is contrary to the widely held view that the gay men are those soft feminine types… Someone like Binyavanga (RIP). Before he came out (and minus the colored hair/dresses), very few people would have guessed that he was that way. He looked like the stereotypical alpha male.

Problem is, apparently those are the guys who run this evil world. You’d be shocked at what happens behind the scenes. So you could end up being the one who is anhilated first…

I am so comfortable with these topics that, if I wanted (and if indeed it was the case), I would have announced from the podium that “I am gay”. And there is nothing you would have done about it. Unfortunately. I. am. not. gay.
[And by the way, ‘gay’ is a political term. You find many men who are into anal s3x (receiving or giving) yet they don’t consider themselves gay. They would kill you if you called them that. Like, for instance, the many cops who are into that. Then you have others who are not into anal s3x (they don’t give nor receive), yet they consider themselves gay – taking part in rainbow marches and all. Some for NGO cash, others for a variety of other things.


Pwahhhaahhhaha. He should relocate to Nairobi. The market is better

Sema tu ulichunishwa na kupewa Mia tatu yako!

Ile ufukara iko Coastal region ongeza mihadharati and lack of education makes most of them see prostitution as the only viable option.

Nairobi is not much better, if you take the trouble to tour the low-end areas…


Surprisingly, and contrary to all expectations, it would seem that in puthy costs more in mtwapa than mkoundou.