Mtumba Business vs Motorcycle Spares.

Hello K-Talkers. Between Mtumba business and boda boda spares,which one is better ans how much would I need to start either of the businesses?

Something else,which is the best way to invest 150k? Ideas welcome.

Boda boda spares…at least you know what you are ordering…Mtumba unaweza angukia bale iko na nguo za karate pekee yake…

Bale ya mtumba shoes costs 22k and contains 50 pairs of shoes max.

Assuming you sell each pair at 500 bob, is that business feasible?

it depends on the grade of shoes . @ 500 bob a pair its not feasible but maybe at 1k each maybe.
normally this is for grade one mtumba shoes.

boda boda spares ukuwe pia mokanika ama uajiri moja. juu wengi wanataka wanunue parts na wa-fit hapo hapo.

Sure…I think I’ll go for this one.

Ama Halloween costumes.

Ama g strings.

Spares za boda.

Kuna mjamaa aliangukia branded scrubs (clothes worn by surgeons). Hata hangeweza donate popote.


Bodaboda spares alafu ajiri mechanic.

Ndio maana nakupendaga

Is 150K enough to start off well and stably

Ni biashara gani unaelewa Kati ya hizo mbili and kama haujawaji zifanya uko na mtu wa kukushika mkono?

Bike spares kamahuziendei china wacha nazo. Got this advice from a spares importer

Bike spares anytime am in this biz too and it’s quite good. Inbox I can give you some insights.