Mt Kenya political class at war amongst themselves, Prezzo abdacadabra is working..

Despite Gideon Moi being fiercely anti Ruto during last year general elections Kenya Kwanza government still do business with the Mois unlike Mt Kenya minions still fighting Uhuru and the Kenyatta family and to add to that there are factions within Kenya Kwanza government one riggy g affiliated and the other kindiki affiliated, Mt Kenya is thoroughly decimated politically we won’t hear about you people for long decades to come. Divide and conquer nabii modus operandi on you people and it’s working perfectly well,
Now you are political amatuers in kk government, you can be replaced anytime,are u seeing what I’m seeing or you too blind to see…

How do you know the govt is doing biz with Giddy to the exclusion of Kinyarra’s et al?

It also depends on d;ck measuring contest between the past and current Shiny eye political class.

You Assmio dimwits want Ruto to bend over backwards to please someone who was ready to decimate the current leadership lives. It simply isn’t possible.

Mlezi 1 goes ahead to pledge loyalty to Ojinga and expect to be treated like Royalty? Absolute madness.

From what I see, Assmio supporters ni kama wale watoto wanakataa kukula, wanamwaga chakula mezani juu mtoto mwingine alimshinda kula upesi and you expect Ruto to apologize for the mess. You know it is not possible.

You’re conflating the fortunes of the Mt Kenya political class with Mt Kenya voters.
Mt Kenya political class requires connections to the top seat, tenders, favours, corruption etc
Mt Kenya voters need a business environment they can thrive in - whether they are “in government” or not is immaterial

I called this awhile ago. It’s realignment. The throne is vacant and the vacuum pulls in all characters until order is restored. The leader will be a force that’s why Jambaas has an interest

Nada more to add. One other thing that cannot be taken away from Nyumba is our strength in numbers. That is why they will always have a big interest in our lives…ooooh who the mountain supporting yada yada instead of jipanngaring and dethroning Jakuon as their kingpin.

I heard that they are giving their children changaa and bangi for supper vile wako na njaa.

Walikataa kuchagua ojinga shauri yao, am the 144th person to predict doom to these people, lord come quickly.

Say it simply…

The bulk Mt: Kenya vote was conned into voting for 2 Hustler Conmen …

They now realize ( too late ) the fatal choice that they made …

They can repent at leisure until 2027 when they will have an opportunity to correct that error …

Until then …
Suffer Peacefully …
NGOMBE Kabisa …!!

[B]President William Ruto provided former political rival and Kanu party leader, Gideon Moi, the license to generate and supply power.

On Saturday, March 18, Energy Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir inspected the construction of a Geothermal Power plant in Menengai constructed by Sosian Energy - a firm where Moi is the majority shareholder[/B].

Ruto Allows Gideon Moi to Build Multi-Million Power Plant, Supply Electricity -
Sosian Energy. Breath in and breath out.

Kalenjins outsmarted kiuks here

Sure. Mkenya wa kawaida ata hahitaji serikali. But Who or what is Mt Kenya? I’m asking coz Gikuyu leaders are doing everything in their power to unintentionally isolate Kikuyus from the rest of Kenyans. So how will mkikuyu wa kawaida handle his mashughuli in wherever places if loudmouths like Gachietha, Kagombe, Kuria and Ichung’wa wakiendelea kuhara maneno. Does this isolation spread to Merus, Embu and Mbeere?

Did Uulu apply for this license but got denied?

This also keeping in mind that Giddy’s application may have been done way back before Ruto assumed power.

Which is also a good attribute in favor of the government of the day that despite business people holding contrary political opinions, they can still be allowed by the same government to do business. Tunajua what the previous government wangefanya. Own goal.

You people from Assmio are still stuck with Uulu’s political template such that when things get done contrary to that template, you start pontificating about how Ruto is messing up. He just is not playing by your rule book. Make peace with that.