Msito Kim Jong Un


Isn’t it funny when a man acts this way yet his own people are languishing in poverty .

power and status ni aphrodisiac

North Korea watu hupewa food na state, housing ni free, healthcare ni free, education ni free hadi university level, io poverty nyinyi husema iko wapi?

Really? I totally agree with you though, just look at Kenya.

Hawa watu ni wajinga wachana nao, those people care about their citizens. Unlike Kenya

How many slums do we have in North Korea?

Nyinyi ndio wajinga. Ask yourself why visitors to North Korea must have government escort 24/7? That nonsense you’re talking about only applies to a tiny minority of loyalist North Koreans in Pyongyang. Ati they care about their citizens :D:D:D:D. Hata Kenya if the government controlled what the world sees about us, it would be easy to portray us as a utopia. Do you know of any other North Korean cities apart from Pyongyang?


The other day there was famine. They were pleading with UN to bring food

Hapana. Soma kitabu ya John Bolton, walienda na Trump kuona Kim, wakakutana na officials wa Singapore wenye walikuwa wametoka North Korea, wakaambiwa hakuna shida yyote huko

Hata Wonsun near where they normally launch their missiles hujawahi sikia?

They might not be rich but not the way western media tries to manipulate the world. Their logic is that ‘‘unless you do what we say, you are oppressive and poor’’.

But a casual observation of what North Korea does implies that they have a thriving chemical industry as well as other industries. Else how are they able to produce rocket fuels? How are they able to produce those fighting gear we see them displaying?

Gathecha has declared famine a national disaster how many times since he took office? USA propaganda ni mbaya Sana.

This is nonsense. Then what do they have to hide? Even tourists are closely guarded and only allowed to “tour” the nice parts of Pyongyang. If they’re doing so well, let them allow cameras into the country so we can also learn from them. If you take a foreigner on a tour of Westlands/Upperhill/Kilimani then rush them back to their hotel, they’ll always tell the rest of the world how developed Kenya is with “skyscrapers everywhere.” They’ll say how they always met well-fed, happy Kenyans on the “streets of Nairobi.”

BTW, a thriving chemical industry doesn’t mean shit in the grand scheme of things. North Korean leaders are famous for saying they’d rather eat grass but have nuclear weapons. It’s all about priorities. Kenya sahii tukitaka we can be leaders in space travel na bado tukuwe tu na slums huko mathare, Kibra, na mukurus. Pakistan and India also have nuclear weapons but are proper shitholes, with open defecation still prevalent in the 21st century, and high levels of malnutrition. I admire the North Koreans for charting their own path, but that place is a super shithole. Ukweli usemwe.

Move this thread to the Politics Section and I will give you the whole Dossier … :smiley:

Why do you always back the most authoritarian of regimes?

The ignorance here on ktalk may make one believe internet is an ultra expensive luxury

You are dumber than a box of rocks

Wewe ni jinga sana. Unatarajia waambiwe kuna mashida when the entire world’s cameras are looking???

Nimeona wakenya wengi wametoroka kenya wakakuwe watumwa Saudi Arabia sababu ya shida kenya, na sijaona north koreans wengi wametoroka kwao wakawe watumwa countries zengine sababu ya shida North Korea.

Sawa baba