Mr President,let our soldiers come home, somalis are a lost case

Nobody was recruited by force,I can happily fight alshaitan pigs to death,

Hawa wanafaa federalism based on clans.

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alā€¦whatever scores big when they score against the invadersā€¦they make look as if they are protecting their mother land against us"invaders"ā€¦what do we gain more sorrow and painā€¦if they will be strong thereā€¦we have a functioning government which can equip our soldiers with more leather weapons than they can ever imagineā€¦if they come calling we can retaliateā€¦but not on their land where we are left to beā€¦ted in pain and tears

our soldiers didnā€™t go to Somalia coz they were bored,those muthafackaz came into Kenya to coz mayhemā€¦so you think wamelearn lesson na hawatarudia,naive


In short you want us to bring the war with Alshabab to home soil? ama unamaanisha nini ukisema we retaliate but not on their land?


Hii kijana haielewi venye hii storo ya war venye inaendeleaā€¦speaking just coz he heard others speak of itā€¦


Ungekuwa karibu ungewahi drink na upewe nafasi in the table of men tupige jazz.

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He thinks alshaitan is

What he does not understand is that alshaitans motherfucker are damned terrorists pigs

If 5-10 years down the line weā€™re still having the same conversation, will you still be insulting @simtu ?

You donā€™t strike KDF and get away with it. Sit back,watch and learnā€¦and even if you donā€™t hear it ju ours is a professional outfit that doesnā€™t not go yapping on any operation,take our CDF wordā€¦weā€™ll smoke them out. Or even our CIC word. Hakuna order ingine inangojewa. Any KDF ako Som or on his/her way into it kazi Ni moja Tuā€¦KUMALISA!!! Tuko Imara. Us against them. Mono a mono.


Usijali. nakam coast before easter. Lakini kwanza wewe na @Meria Mata mnipeleke kwa ile bara bara inafunguliwa Wednesday alafu mvinyo baadae.

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Nangoja kuona documentary za failure in somalia 2025 if I will still be there. It will be otherwise if they change strategy.
The united states exited after a decade of accupation in Iraq after doing what we are doing: being non committal to a war. Nobody knows what their exact aim was so they might have succeeded anyway. ISIS emerged.
So unless our principle aim becomes perpetual war and instablity in somalia, and it could be, we are not succeeding.

I donā€™t really understand why it is difficult for people to understand that Soldiers swear an oath to die for the country. This time when they actually died for the country, people are getting all emotional.


Mujinga. Nobody is supposed to die out of negligence.

For a while I wanted to hear this from guys in the military, sasa imebaki ya @imei2012, ama wacha tu, naona asha like[ATTACH=full]28605[/ATTACH]

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If you got over you emotions and you have a proper understanding of the English language, then you would realize that the Al-Shaitaans outsmarted ur soldiers. It was unfortunate but it happened.


Then unawaona wakisema if USA imelemewa Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia e.t.c, what does Kenya hope to achieve. I feel like shouting, shut up dunderhead, USA doesnā€™t share a border with those countries.
Lets have this conversation when Israel withdraws from the Golan heights


Remember when alshabaab were pirating if we were to have them back in kismayu think of how hard our economy would be affected since ships would consider alternative route


hatuna unga wa kupotezaā€¦


@vuja de si kwa ubaya but sometimes it pays not to exposeā€¦any way, if KDF comes back to Kenya, will Al Shabab FEAR DEATH?

(Re-read your statement)

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