MPs raise their pension by 700 per cent

Tena wameongeza upuss who will save the Kenyan taxpayer :mad::mad::mad::mad:


holy fuck

Wuiiii hebu Leta rink tafasali. Hebu kujuni wote mbio.

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the only way alshabab will get our forgiveness is bombing both houses , full house .

Only a revolution will save this country at this point. Teachers and doctors go on strike every month due to being underpaid while mpigs raise their already overplayed salaries.

uko na point…

Ngoja tu. Hawa watu wahame Kenya ama wangoje tu siku katanuka itakuwa French revolution kando. And the funny thing there lists of the names of the characters who drew that bogus motion, the ones who voted for it, and the ones benefiting from it. The political class has slowly been alienating itself from the public. They think they will be in power for millenia like the pharaohs. Heheheee…

Nobody respects us the taxpayers. We need a national strike because we’re digging a big hole we will not come out of. Punda imechoka

I would not want to raise my kids in Kenyan those mf r placing a very heavy burden on us and the future generations we doom…

The problem in .ke is that, whenever we the wananchi start expressing dissatisfaction, and plan to protest against the political class.
Politicians (mostly from the opposition and those planning a comeback) through some NGO’s hijack the process .
The whole thing at the end of the day becomes party Y vs Party X, and that’s how we end up being fcuked up.

Or the government comes out ans says hii ni Kazi ya NASA na George Soros. Baas kila mtu anarudi default settings

We can’t unite for anything, even when we’re hurting to the bone.
Same thing happens private citizens ask hard questions on government projects. The government brands them, and we default back.

Why don’t we plan a match to parliament? Like the Baba’s matches?

Silipi ushuru tena.

Kenya is being held hostage by politicians, we really need to fight back

Kobole tena

AND ferktad kamwana will sign the bill because he needs debt limit increased by mps

Tano tena hata wewe:D